
- Bennett as a satirist and comic artist: illusion and change
- Charles Henry Bennett and the emblem tradition
- Bennett, Kingsley and The Pilgrim’s Progress
- A bibliography of books and periodicals illustrated by Charles H. Bennett
- A detail of Twelfth Night Characters
- Mr Wind deflated
- Mr Wind
- Emblem XIII
- Emblem XII
- Pure and Sure
- A Hunting we Will Go
- The Merry Soap-Boiler
- A Foolscap
- A Greedy Pig
- A Parrot
- A Crocodile
- A Pump
- Title-page, The Nine Lives of a Cat
- The Hare and the Tortoise
- The Wolf and the Lamb
- The Ape and Her Two Young Ones
- The Lobster and His Mother
- Piety
- Mr Save-All and Mr Money-Love
- Mr Gripeman
- Mr Smoothman
- The Lust of the Flesh
- The Pride of Life

Related Material
Baker, Anne Pimlott. ‘Bennett, Charles Henry’. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online version.
Ball, Douglas. Victorian Publishers’ Bindings. London: Library Association, 1985.
British Census Returns, 1841–1868.
Brothers Dalziel, The. A Record of Work, 1840–1890. 1901; new ed. London: Batsford, 1978.
Cooke, Thomas. A Practical and Familiar View of the Science of Physiognomy. London: for Mrs Cooke, 1819.
Corrigan, Grahaeme. ‘Amusing Aesop’. Children’s Literature Archive. www.http//
de Maré, Eric. The Victorian Woodblock Illustrators. London: Gordon Fraser, 1980.
Everitt, Graham. English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century. Reproduced at
Goldman, Paul. Victorian Illustration. Aldershot: Scolar, 1996; Lund Humphries, 2004.
Grandville, J. J. Vie Privée et Publiques des Animaux. Paris: Hetzel, 1842.
Kingsley, Charles. His Letters, and Memoirs of His Life. London: Taylor, 1899.
Lavater, J.C. Essays on Physiognomy. London: Robinson, n.d.
Le Brun, Charles. Heads Representing the Various Passions of the Soul as They are Expressed in the Human Countenance. London: Laurie & Whittle, 1794.
Ray, Gordon. The Illustrator and the Book in England from 1790 to 1914. New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1976.
‘Review’. Notes and Queries. 2nd Series X (29 December 1860): 524.
‘Review’. “book”>The Bookseller. 1 (1872): 16–18.
‘Review’. The Literary Gazette. n.s 71 (5 November 1859): 445–446.
‘The Fables of Aesop’. The Economist 9 June 1858: 35.
Redfield, James. Comparative Physiognomy. New York: For the Author, 1852.
‘The Juvenile Illustrated Books of the Period’. The Art Journal. 5 (1859): 380.
Spielmann, M. H. The History of Punch. London: Cassell, 1895.
Vizetelly, Henry. Glances Back Through Seventy Years. London: Kegan Paul. Trench, Trübner & Co., 1893.
Last modified 30 March 2014