Christmas Stories from "Household Words and All The Year Round
- Ornamental title-page for 1872 reprint
- The Wreck of The Golden Mary
- Going into Society
- Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings
- Doctor Marigold
The Uncommercial Traveller

- A Young Man ... All Dirty and Shiny and Slimy p. 12
- Mr. Grazinglands looked in at a pastry cook's window full-page Frontispiece
- Blinking old men . . . let out of workhouses full-page facing p. 105
- The Mail Coach
- A Sketch at the Carnival (engraved)
- The Church and the World (engraved)
- [Chair caners] title-page
- [Shingling a roof]
- A cheap theatre, Sunday night p. 17
- "Bags to hold your money,' says the witch, shaking her head, and setting her teeth; "You as has got it" p. 25
- The tall glazed head-dress of this warrior Straudenheim instantly knocked off p. 36
- He was taken into custody by the police p. 48
- Am I red to-night?” “You are,” he uncompromisingly answered p. 68
- “Drop of something to drink,” interposed the stranger. “I am agreeable.” p. 72
- “A lemon has pips, a yard has ships, and I'll have Chips!” p. 76
- The wind blows stiffly from the nor'east, . . . and the shapeless passengers lie about in melanchioly bundles. p. 84
- Then dropped upon her knees before us, with prostestations that we were right. p. 92
- On the starboard side of the ship a grizzled man dictated a long letter to another grizzled man in an immense fur cap. p. 101
- Mr. J. Mellows p. 112
- Building H.M.S. Achilles p. 120
- At the station they had been sitting about, in their threadbare homespun blue garments . . . . sad enough at heart, most of them p. 128
- It was agreed that Mr. Batten “ought to take it up,” and Mr. Batten was communicated with on the subject. p. 136
- At the upper end of this dungeon . . . . the Englishman first beheld him, sitting on an iron bedstead, to which he was chained by a heavy chain. p. 139
- Trotting about among the beds, on familiar terms with all the patients, was a commical mongrel dog, called poodles. p. 152
- Over the grog, mixed in a bucket, presides the boatswain's mate. p. 156
- This engaging figure approached the fatal lamps p. 165
- Look at this group at a street corner. p. 172
- And White Riding Hood was fined ten shillings. p. 174
- Title-page Vignette.
- "'Then you're a tramp,' he ses. 'I'd rather be that than a beadle,' I ses." p. 56

Other Dickens illustrations
Dickens, Charles. The Uncommercial Traveller. Il. E. G. Dalziel. The Household Edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 1877.
Scenes and characters from the works of Charles Dickens; being eight hundred and sixty-six drawings, by Fred Barnard, Hablot Knight Browne (Phiz); J. Mahoney; Charles Green; A. B. Frost; Gorgon Thomson; J. McL. Ralston; H. French; E. G. Dalziel; F. A. Fraser, and Sir Luke Fildes; printed from the original woodblocks engraved for "The Household Edition.". New York: Chapman and Hall, 1908. Copy in the Robarts Library, University of Toronto.
Last modified 16 May 2014