‘The last rose of summer blooming alone; all his lovely companions have faded and gone.’ (October 1842). A lithographic design drawn by John Doyle and engraved by Alfred Ducôte for the print publisher, Thomas McLean. 9½ x 12 ¾ inches. Reproduced in Guedalla, facing p. 262. The quotation is taken from Thomas Moore and refers to Palmerston’s isolation after he opposed the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of August 1842, which resolved a border dispute between Canada (then part of the British Empire) and America.
Text by Simon Cooke. Scan courtesy of John Hilary, with thanks also to Shirley Nicholson for forwarding it to us.
Guedalla, Philip. Palmerston, 1784-1865. New York: Putnam's, 1927.
Created 15 November 2023