Of Du Maurier, perhaps, more than of any other artist, it may be said that the man himself appears in his works; for in all that long series of inimitable drawings that for years added so greatly to the popularity of Punch, the refinement of his mind, his keen sense of humour, and his reverence for truth and manliness are no less conspicuous than his art." — John Guile Millais

Biographical Materials
Contemporary Contexts
- Richard Kelly's "George du Maurier: The Satiric Artist"
- Social History
- Political History
- The Adventures of Harry Richmond by George Meredith
- Margaret Oliphant's Carita (2 plates)
- The Cicilian Pirates (1863)
- Cousin Phillis by Elizabeth Gaskell (1863)
- Frontispiece for Cousin Phillis by Elizabeth Gaskell (1864)
- Frontispiece for Cousin Phillis and Other Tales by Elizabeth Gaskell (1865)
- "You would like a portrait?" for Cousin Phillis and Other Tales by Elizabeth Gaskell (1865)
- English Society, a collection of more than 130 drawings from Punch and other sources.
- Frontispiece for The Grey Woman by Elizabeth Gaskell (1865)
- The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters by Thomas Hardy (22 plates)
- A Laodicean by Thomas Hardy
- Lizzie Leigh by Elizabeth Gaskell: "Nanny, Nanny." (1865)
- The Martian by George du Maurier (48 plates)
- The Moonstone: A Romance by Wilkie Collins — "Do you think a young lady's advice worth having?" — George du Maurier's frontispiece for the 1890 edition
- The Notting Hill Mystery by Charles Warren Adams (pseudonym, Charles Felix) in Once A Week: Her unconscious hand pours out the deadly draught (17 January 1863)
- Punch caricature: Aesthetic Love in a Cottage (1881)
- Punch caricature: The Cimabue Browns (1881)
- Punch caricature: A Cry from the Heart (1881)
- Punch caricature: A Damper (1876)
- Punch caricature: A Famous Portrait (1881)
- Punch caricature: A Fortiori (1879)
- Punch caricature: Encouragement (1879)
- Punch caricature: A Fair Inducement (1878)
- Punch caricature: A Gentle Egotist (1876)
- Punch caricature: A Hint (1882)
- Punch caricature: Nincompoopiana (1879)
- Punch caricature: Refinements of Modern Speech (1879)
- Punch caricature: Things one would rather have left unsaid (1882)
- Punch caricature: What Our Artist Has to Put Up With (1894)
- A Rose in June (10 plates)
- Sibyl's Disappointment
- Three Feathers by William Black (10 plates)
- Trilby by George DuMaurier (121 plates)
- Visualizing the Sensational: George du Maurier’s Illustrations for The Notting Hill Mystery (7 plates)
- A Love Letter for Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell (1864)
- Frontispiece for Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell (1864)
- I Trust for Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell (1865)
- Molly's New Bonnet for Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell (1864)
- "O" Initial Letter for Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell (10 August 1864)
- Vae Victis from Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell (1864)
- "You would like a Portrait?"
- Zelda's Fortune by R. E. Francillon
- Drawings for unidentified texts or places of publication
*** = no material on this site]
- Trilby (1897-4)
- The Martian (1897)
- Peter Ibbetson (1894) ***
Art Criticism
- "The Illustration of Books from the Serious Artist's Point of View. — I." (1890)
- Parody as Art Critricism: "A Legend of Camelot," or Punch on the Aesthetic Pre-Raphaelites
The Brothers Dalziel, W. J. Linton, and Joseph Swain, engravers. The Cornhill Gallery Containing One Hundred Engravings from Drawings on Wood. London: Smith, Elder, 1864.
Hardy, Thomas. The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters. The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. XXXII (1875).

Jackson, Arlene M. Illustration and the Novels of Thomas Hardy. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1981.
Page, Norman. "Thomas Hardy's Forgotten Illustrators." Bulletin of the New York Public Library 77, 4 (Summer, 1974): 454-463.
Sutherland, John. "The Cornhill Magazine." The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford U. P., 1989. P. 150.
Sutherland, John. "Du Maurier, George [Louis Palmella Bousson]." The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford U. P., 1989. Pp. 202-203.
Vann, J. Don. "Thomas Hardy (1840-1928. The Hand of Ethelberta in the Cornhill Magazine, July 1875-May 1876." in Victorian Novels in Serial. New York: The Modern Language Association, 1985. Page 83.
Created 27 June 2014
Last modified 12 January 2025