According to editors of the Project Gutenberg web version of Trollope's great novel about stock fraud and railway mania, these illustrations were originally believed to be my Luke Fildes but are actually by Fawkes, who does an excellent job with the details of indoor and outdoor scenes alike but produces rather heavy illustrations. M. Linton, son of the important illustrator and engraver, William James Linton, did the engravings, and the responsibility for the coarseness of these images may possibly lay with him rather than with the artist. — George P. Landow.
The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope

- Fawkes as an Illustrator of Trollope
- “Just so, mother; — but how about the twenty pounds?”
- The duchess followed with the male victim
- “There's the £20”
- Then Mr. Fisker began his account
- Then the squire led the way out of the room, and Dolly followed
- “You should remember that I am his mother”
- The bishop thinks that the priest's analogy is not correct
- “You know why I have come down here?”
- She marched majestically out of the room
- “In the meantime what is your own property?”
- “I have come across the Atlantic to see you”
- “Get to your room”
- Sir Damask solving the difficulty
- I loiks to see her loik o' that”
- The Board-Room.
- Lady Carbury allowed herself to be kissed
- “It's no good scolding”
- “I don't care about any man's coat”
- The Sands at Lowestoft
- “You, I think, are Miss Melmotte”
- The door was opened for him by Ruby
- “Can I marry the man I do not love?”
- Father Barham
- Mr. Squercum in his office
- “Have you heard what's up, Ju?”
- Mr. Melmotte speculates
- “Not a bottle of champagne in the house”
- Melmotte in Parliament
- “Get up, you wiper”
- “I might as well see whether there is any sign of violence having been used”
- “You had better go back to Mrs. Hurtle”
- “Ah, Ma'am-moiselle,” said Croll, “you should oblige your fader”
- “He thought I had better bring these back to you”
- “What difference does that make?”
- “She's a coomin; she's a coomin”
- “Of course you have been a dragon of virtue”
- “Sit down so that i may look at you”
- The happy bridegroom
- Mrs. hurtle at the window
- “There goes the last of my anger”

Trollope, Anthony. The Way We Live Now. London: Chapman and Hall, 1875. 2013 Project Gutenberg E-book #5231 prepared by Andrew Turek and revised by Joseph E. Loewenstein, M.D. Web. 21 September 2014
Last modified 23 September 2014