[Click on images to enlarge them and to obtain more information about the plates.]

Left to right: (a) A Rubber at Miss Havisham's by Marcus Stone. (b) "'What!' said Estella, 'do you reproach me for being cold? You.'" by F. A. Fraser. (c) Miss Havisham by Harry Furniss.

Left to right: (a) "Well? You can break his heart" by H. M. Brock. (b) Miss Havisham by Charles Green. (c) Pip and Miss Havisham by Charles Green.

Left to right: (a) Estella Tells Pip of Her Engagement to Mr. Drummle by Harry Furniss. (b) I entreated her to rise by F. A. Fraser. (c) Pip Rescues Miss Havisham from the Fire by Harry Furniss.

Illustrations by John McLenan — Left to right: (a) "Who is it?" said the lady at the table. "Pip, Ma'am." . (b) "It's a great cake. A bride-cake. Mine!". (c) She carried a bare candle in her hand.

Two illustrations at left by John McLenan: (a) "All done, all gone!". (b) I saw her running at me, shrieking, with a whirl of fire blazing all about her. Right: "Well? You can break his heart".

Left to Right: (a) Pip Waits on Miss Havisham by Marcus Stone. (b) Miss Havisham and Estella by Sol Eytinge. Right: I entreated her to rise.
Related Materials
- Estella
- Contrasting Visual Interpretations of Miss Havisham in Dickens's Great Expectations (1860-1862)
- Jaggers
- Joe and Mrs. Joe
- Orlick
- Trabb and Trabb's boy
- Wemmick
Created 17 January 2012
Last modified 15 November 2021