Gladstone and the Land League
- Left Luggage: Starting the Parliamentary Train
- The Irish Question. — Advice Gratis
- Obstruction. — Mr. Gladstone and Miss Erin on the Ice
- “Coercion.” — Those Irish boys again
Gladstone in control of legislation for Home Rule
- Irish Snap-Dragon. The Dynamite Game
- Taking her measure
- The Opening Scene
- St. Valentine’s Day
- Onward!
- Critics Studying the Bill
- St. Patrick struggling with the reptiles
- Kind Inquiries
- April Foolery — The Irish Scare
- April Showers. Raining Tories and Unionists
- The Birmingham Bow-Wow
- My Home Rule Dutch
- Shooting the Chute and the Westminster Water Show

Gladstone’s opponents & his loss of the battle for Home Rule
- The Grand Old Rope Trick: Joe Tying him up. A Knotty Point
- The Harmonious Cabinet
- The Political Mrs. Partington
- Contradictious Joe Contradicting Himself
Last modified 26 March 2016