Biographical and introductory material

- Ralston as an Illustrator: Working for Punch, 1871–86
- Ralston, The Graphic, and Books at the End of the Century
Individual works
- The Photographer’s Studio
- Self-portrait
- The Campbells are Coming
- Mark Tapley Junior
- The Auld Enemies [Glasgow Rugby]
- The Demon Cat
- The Jovial Elephant
- Tippoo at Home
- Tippoo creating mayhem
- Tippoo [grabs a man’s beard]
- Humours of the War, Boers Trying their Newly Captured Mounts
- Fox Hunting in the Alps
- A Very Great Man (James Watt)
Work in other media
Primary sources: archive and manuscript material
Ralston, William, MSS. Letters to John Reid. Edinburgh University Library.
Ralston, William. Photographs by Ralston & Sons, The Mitchell Library, Glasgow, and The National Portrait Gallery, London.
Ralston, William. Watercolours. The National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Primary sources: Printed works
Cole, C.W., and Ralston, William. The Demon Cat, a Naval Melodrama. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co, 1889.
Cole, C.W., and Ralston, William. Tippoo: a Tale of a Tiger. London: George Routledge, 1886.
Golden Thoughts from Golden Fountains. With a cloth binding designed by Ralston. London: Frederick Warne [1868].
The Graphic, 1870–1908.
The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White. With a cloth binding designed by Ralston. London: George Routledge, 1867.
Punch, 1871–86.
Ralston, William. K.B. and D.A. North Again: Golfing this Time. London: Simpkin, Marshall, (1894.)
Ralston, William. K.B. and D.A.’s Yachting Holiday. London: Simpkin Marshall [1894].
Ralston, William. Sports for Limited Purses. Glasgow: Bryce [1899].
Ralston, William. The Story of the Jovial Elephant. London: Simpkin Marshall, 1905.
Summer Tours in Scotland. Illustrated by William Ralston. Glasgow: Sinclair, 1901.
Winter, J.S. Houp-La. Illustrated by and with a binding by William Ralston. New York: Frederick Warne, 1889.
Secondary sources
‘Advertisement.’ Dundee Evening Telegraph, 8 June 1901:3.
‘Advertisment.’ The Hamilton Advertiser, 16 November 1867:4.
‘Advertisment.’ The Kirkintilloch Herald, 21 May 1891: 8.
Caw, James L. Scottish Painting, Past and Present. Edinburgh: Jack, 1908.
Hammerton, John Alexander. Humourists of the Pencil. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1905.
Layard, G.S. A Great ‘Punch’ Editor, being the Life, Letters, and Diaries of Shirley Brooks. London: Pitman, 1907.
Leese, Alex. ‘Illustrating the Auld Enemies: Analysis of William Ralston’s Depiction of the First International Football Match between Scotland and England.’ Soccer and Society 16: 2 (2015) [online version].
Smolderen, Thierry. The Origins of Comics: from William Hogarth to Winsor McCay. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi [2014].
Spielmann, M. H. The History of Punch. London: Cassell, 1895.
Last modified 9 October 2016