Gladstone vs. Disraeli, Disraeli vs. Gladstone

- Compliments before parting (1878)
- Excelsior (1878)
- Consulting and Insulting (1880)
- The Rival Sandwiches: A Slanging Duet (1880)
- The Westminster Rifle Meeting
- Bowing Him Out (1880)
- Great National Wrestling Match: The Election grip (1880)
- Cabinet Pictures. ‘Succcess’ and ‘Failure’ (1880)
Gladstone triumphant
- Happily Landed (1873)
- Trying to Bowl Him Out. “Play” (1880)
- William the Conqueror (1880)
- Congratulations (1880)
- At the Liberal Laundry (1880)
- His Last Decoration. “The Order of the Sack” (1880)
- St. Stephen’s Circus (1880)
- Mr. Gladstone and His Critics (1880)
- A Yorkshire Pastoral. The Gentle Shepherd Piping to the Enraptured Sheep (1881)
- Lord Mayor’s Day (1880)
- On Board the “Sunbeam” (1885)
- Marching to Battle (1885)
- Irish Snap-Dragon. The Dynamite Game (1893)
- Taking her measure (1893)
- The Opening Scene (1893)
- The Grand Old Rope Trick: Joe Tying him up. A Knotty Point (1893)
- St. Valentine’s Day (1893)
- Onward (1893)
- St. Patrick struggling with the reptiles (1893)
- April Showers. Raining Tories and Unionists (1893)
- The Birmingham Bow-Wow (1893)
- My Home Rule Dutch (1893)
- The Last Sweeps of the Scythe (1893)
- The Clever Old Dog (1893)
- Left Luggage: Starting the Parliamentary Train (1893)
- “Coercion.” — Those Irish boys again (1893)
- The Sphinx (1893)

Disraeli triumphant and in charge
- The Dashing Cabby
- Decorating his Idol (1878)
- Fortune and Misfortune. Holiday Time or the Dead Season (1878)

Disraeli and the 1867 Reform Bill
- A Fitting Question
- The Political Peri
- Trying it on
- The Sketch of the Ministerial Measure
- The Dryads of Disfranchisemen
- Dishing the Whigs
- After the Victory
Disraeli and the 1878 Berlin Conference
- Going to Congress
- The Blank Canvas
- A Question at Starting
- The Abode of Mystery
- The Anglo-Russian Agreement
- Waiting for Lord Beaconsfield
- Berlin Treaty with Anglo-Turkish Stuffing
- The Dashing Cabby
Last modified 26 March 2016