Christ in Majesty seated on the rainbow flanked by recording angels (as described in the Book of Revelation). Designed by Sir William Blake Richmond (1842-1921). In St. Paul's Cathedral, London. [Click on image to enlarge it.]
Related Material
Photograph 2009 and text by George P. Landow. [Photographs taken and reproduced courtesy of the Dean and chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral.]
Baldry, Alfred Lys. “The New Decorations of St. Paul's by Sir W. B. Richmond, R.A..” Magazine of Art. 22 (November 1897-October 1898): 12-18. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of Toronto Library. Web. 26 October 2014.
“Mosaics at St Paul's Cathedral, London.” Joy of Shards. Web. 11 July 2013.
“Mosaics in the Quire.” Explore St. Paul's Cathedral. Web. 11 July 2013.
Last modified 27 October 2014