Adam, by Edward Burne-Jones, the figure on the furthest left in the top row of the East Window of All Saints, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, by Morris & Co., 1866. Most of the figures in this window (twelve out of twenty, including "Our Lord Enthroned" of 1865) were designed by Edward Burne-Jones, and most of these twelve were used here for the first time, rather than utilising a design previously made for another church. Adam is one of the new designs. Next to it is Ford Madox Brown's very touching Abraham and Isaac, designed for Bradford in 1863 (see Tricker et al., n.p.).

On the immediate right of "Our Lord Enthroned," is another figure by Brown, Noah, previously designed in 1864 for a church in Middleton (and the same in form as the Noah facing the other way at Jesus Church, Troutbeck, Cumbria). At the end of the row is Burne-Jones's Eve, freshly designed in 1866 like Adam, for All Saints. The oak-leaf surrounds continue throughout, most likely designed by Morris himself.
Photographs taken and kindly sent in by Adrian Powter, who retains the copyright. Text and formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee. [Click on the images to enlarge them.]
Related Material
- All Saints, Jesus Lane, Cambridge (the church itself)
- East Window (1): Whole window, "Christ Enthroned" by Burne-Jones, and tracery lights
- East Window (3): Upper middle row — Melchisedec, St Louis of France, David, St Edward and Judas Maccabaeus (all by Burne-Jones, except St Louis, by Brown)
- East Window (4): Lower middle row — Elijah, St Stephen, St Peter, St James the Less and John the Baptist (all by Morris, except St Stephen and St James the Less, by Burne-Jones)
- East Window (5): Lowest row — St Barbara, St Agnes St Radegund, St Dorothy and St Catherine (all by Burne-Jones, except St Catherine, by Morris
"All Saints Church." Historic England. Web. 4 April 2018.
Jenkins, Simon. England's Thousand Best Churches. Rev. ed. London: Penguin, 2009.
Key provided in the church itself.
Tricker, Roy, and others. All Saints Church. London: Churches Conservation Trust, 2004 (like the key, kindly supplied by Adrian Powter).
Created 4 April 2018