- Wilkie Collins's No Name (1862): Charles Dickens and Sheridan's The Rivals
- Authenticism and Post-Authenticism: Wilkie Collins's Armadale and Michael Cox's The Meaning of Night: A Confession
- Collins's Relationship with Dickens
- A Review of Lillian Nayder's Unequal Partners: Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, & Victorian Authorship (Cornell UP, 2001).
- Wilkie Collins and Charles Dickens — A Literary Relationship
- Balzac, Scott, and Cooper, favourites of his youth
- Walpole's The Castle of Otranto and The Moonstone
- Imagined Geographies: Representations of the Orient in Three Nineteenth-Century Novels (Austen, BrontEuml;, Collins)
- The Role of the "Fallen Woman" in Three Victorian Novels: George Eliot's Adam Bede, Wilkie Collins's Armadale and Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton

Last modified 26 November 2011