Basic Materials
- A Brief Biography
- A Chronology of his Life
- Dickens's business card — the first time his name appeared in print?
- A Chronology of the Various Residences of Charles Dickens, 1812-1870
- Dickens's homes and other places associated with him
- The London of Dickens's Lifetime: Maps and Landmarks
- Dickens's travels
- Major Biographies of Dickens — a Critical Overview
- A Biographical Sketch of Charles Dickens from the 1860 Harper's Weekly
- Debtors in Charles Dickens's Life and Works
- William Winter's reminiscences of Dickens
- Dickens's London: An annotated map from David Persue's Charles Dickens Page
- "The Smallness of the World": Dickens, Reynolds and Mayhew on Wellington Street

Major People and Events in Dickens's Life
- The Blacking Factory and Dickens's Imaginative World
- John Forster: Essayist, Historian, Editor, Friend, 1812-1876.
- Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854): The Original "Tommy Traddles"
- Catherine Dickens, Dickens's wife
- Mary Scott Hogarth, 1820-1837: Dickens's Beloved Sister-in-Law and Inspiration
- Dickens's affair with Ellen Lawless Ternan
- How the Dickens Scandal Went Viral
- Dickens's children (chart and sitemap)
- Charles Dickens Relieving the Sufferers at the Fatal Railway Accident Near Staplehurst
- Autobiographical Elements in Dickens's Great Expectations
- The physical situation of David Copperfield's Adelphi rooms
- The Biographical Context of Great Expectations (1861)
- “No Escape to be Had, No Absolution to be Got”: Divorce in the Lives and Novels of Charles Dickens and Caroline Norton

Dickens's Professional Career
- Dickens' Professional Career [Chapter 1 of E. D. H. Johnson's Charles Dickens: An Introduction to His Novels.
- Dickens's Popularity
- Publishing in Parts, Periodicals, and Dickens's Working Methods
- Dickens as actor and as performer of his own works
- Dickens "the man who invented Christmas"
- Dickens in Montreal, 1842
- Dickens ('Boz') in Boston, 1842 and 1867-78
- Dickens's 1842 Reading Tour: Launching the Copyright Question in Tempestuous Seas
- Dickens's 1867-68 Reading Tour: Re-Opening the Copyright Question
- Dickens as he appeared when giving a public reading of his works
Related Material
- Dickens in Drawing and Painting
- Dickens in Caricature
- Dickens in Caricature: In Memoriam — Dickens and His Characters
- Dickens in Photography
- The Invisible Woman (2014) — A film about Charles Dickens and Nell Ternan

Last modified 11 September 2020