- Text of the novel (Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library.)
- The Conclusions of Lady Audley's Secret and The Mystery of Edwin Drood: Was Dickens Thinking of Using Braddon's Solution?
- The Mysteries of Edwin Drood and the Chinese Opium Wars
- Comments on setting
- F. G. Kitton and the Settings of The Mystery of Edwin Drood
- Charles Allston Collins's pencil sketches for the illustrations
- Unravelling The Collins-Fildes Monthly Wrapper for The Mystery of Edwin Drood: The Solution to Dickens's Conundrum?
- Characterization: Rosa and Edwin
- Narrative point of view
- The Cinematic Adaptations of The Mystery of Edwin Drood: 1909, 1914, 1935, and 1993; or, Dickens Gone Hollywood
- Sir Samuel Luke Fildes's twelve illustrations for the novel
- H. H. Piffard's seven illustrations for the novel
- Some Early Dramatic Solutions to Dickens's Unfinished Mystery
Created 8 November 2006
Last modified 4 October 2024