- Introduction
- Hard Times for These Times: Dickens at 42
- Who Is Thomas Gradgrind in Dickens's Hard Times for These Times?
- The Implication of Christian Names and Surnames in Charles Dickens's Hard Times for These Times
- Bibliography of Suggested Readings about Hard Times
- Dickens' satirical attacks on the British Association [for Science]
- Dickens' Hard Times and Dystopia
- Machinery and a new vision of the human psyche
- The Poetics of Air Pollution in Hard Times
- Charles Dickens's Hard Times for These Times as an Industrial Novel
- “No Escape to be Had, No Absolution to be Got”: Divorce in the Lives and Novels of Charles Dickens and Caroline Norton
- J. B. Priestley on why Hard Times is a bad novel
- "Evil Intentions are the Evil Person's Own Undoing"
- "Dickens and Critical Theory"
- The Narrators of Hard Times and The Mayor of Casterbridge as Wisdom Speakers
- Dreadful Riot at Preston [model for Dickens's Coketown], 1842
- The Allusion to "The Writing on the Wall" in Dickens's Hard Times and Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (1886)

Adaptations on Stage and Screen
- A New Dramatic Adaptation (October 2008)
- Facts Lie at the Heart of the Matter: Comparing the Book and Movie Versions of Dickens's Hard Times
- Four of Fred Walker's illustrations (1868)
- Harry French's Twenty Plates for the 1870 edition
- Charles S. Reinhart's fifteen plates for the American edition (1870s)
- Harry Furniss' depiction of Gradgrind (1910)
- "She shuddered to apporoach the pit" by an unidentified illustrator for an edition of Dickens' works by the Co-operative Publication Society [1912?]
Reading questions and projects
- Five Co-operative Learning Projects for Hard Times
- A New Critical Approach
- A Textual-Biographical Approach
- A New Historicist Approach
- Cinematic Adaptation and Illustration
- Close-Reading of a Passage
- Intertextuality: Hard Times and Charles Perrault "Bluebeard"
- Reading and Discussion Questions for Hard Times
Last modified 25 November 2021