- Introduction: Comparing Imagery in Conrad and Hardy
- George Eliot's Amos Barton and Thomas Hardy's Under the Greenwood Tree
- Thomas Hardy and D. H. Lawrence: A Literary Kinship
- The Influence of Auguste Comte on Thomas Hardy
- A Critical Bibliography of A Pair of Blue Eyes, 1967-1997
- The Hardy-Keats Connexion in "At Lulworth Cove a Century Back" (1920)
- Folklore in The Return of the Native
- Pater and Jude the Obscure
- Love and the Discovery of Self in Hardy and Wilde
- The Narrators of Hard Times and The Mayor of Casterbridge as Wisdom Speakers
- Tess of the d'Urbervilles compared with King Lear
Critical Reception and Reputation
- The Westminster Review compares Far from the Madding Crowd to Adam Bede
- H. James reviews Far From the Madding Crowd— “a simple ‘tale,’ pulled and stretched to three volumes”
- Criticism of Hardy's Short Stories, 1982-2017
- An Early Twentieth-Century Appreciation of Thomas Hardy as Poet
- A Pair of Blue Eyes and its Critics
- Hardy's Critics and The Return of the Native: How It Struck His Contemporaries
- Something 'dangerous' for a family magazine (Contemporarty views of The Return of the Native)
- The Genesis, Early Publication History, and Reception of Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure
- How British and American audiences might have read Hardy's Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid differently
- The Thomas Hardy Society Wreath Laying at Westminster Abbey, 2011

Dramatic and Cinematic Adaptations
- Philip Goulding's Dramatic Adaptation of The Mayor of Casterbridge
- Dennis Potter's 1978 Television Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge
- The Scarlet Tunic: A Television Adaptation of Hardy's "The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion" — A Sensationalist's Transformation of a Minor Classic
- David Thacker's 2001 Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge: Sometimes Less IS Less
- Bollywood’s Long Love Affair with Thomas Hardy’s Novels: Adaptations and Cultural Appropriations
- Thomas Hardy’s "On the Western Circuit" (1891) and Irfan Khan's The Lunchbox (2013): Epistles of Love, Solitariness, and Separation
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Last modified 17 September 2020