Watercolour of Le Fanu by an unknown artist, 1842, © National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG 4864), by kind permission.
Biographical Material
Theme & Subject
- Section on Lefanu in Barbara Gates's Victorian Suicide: Mad Crimes and Sad Histories (Princeton UP, 1988; on this site)
- 'This Queer Corner of the World': Tourism, Colonialism, and Le Fanu’s Writing of Wales
- Le Fanu, ‘Significant Pictures’ and Sensationalism
- ’Ambiguous Alternations’: A Note on Mirroring, Symmetry, Doubling and the Uncanny Effects of Le Fanu’s ‘Carmilla’
- Haunting Sounds: Auditory Effects in the Fictions of J. S. Le Fanu
Literary Relations — Influences, Confluences, Critical Reception, and Reputation
- Publishers urge Trollope & LeFanu to avoid Irish subjects
- Specific settings in Gaskell, Dickens, and LeFanu
- ‘Metaphysical Medicine’: de Boismont, Le Fanu and a Source for ‘Green Tea’
Setting & Description
Allen, Nicholas. ‘Sheridan Le Fanu and the Spectral Empire’. The Ghost Story from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. Eds. Helen Conrad O’Briain and Julie Anne Stevens. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2010. 112–124.
Bowen, Elizabeth. ‘Introduction to Uncle Silas’. Reflections in a Glass Darkly: Essays on J. Sheridan Le Fanu. Eds. Gary William Crawford, Jim Rickhill and Brian J. Showers. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2011. 333–45.
Chui, Frances. ‘History Repeats Itself: Checkmate and the Re-Writing of the Union’. Le Fanu Studies 5:1 (May 2010). www.lefanustudies.com/
Chui, Frances. ‘Introduction’. Le Fanu, J. S. The Rose and the Key. Kansas City: Valancourt, 2007.
Cowling, Mary. The Artist as Anthropologist: the Representation of Type and Character in Victorian Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Hackforth-Jones, Jocelyn. ‘Re-Visioning Landscape in Wales and New South Wales, 1760–1840’. Cultural Identity and the Aesthetics of Britishness. Ed. Dana Arnold. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004. 35– 52.
Harris, Sally C. ‘Crossing Boundaries, Mixing Genres in The Wyvern Mystery.’ Reflections in a Glass Darkly: Essays on J. Sheridan Le Fanu. Eds. Gary William Crawford, Jim Rickhill and Brian J. Showers. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2011. 385–401.
Hay, Simon. A History of the Modern British Ghost Story. London: Palgrave, 2011.
Hechter, Michael. Internal Colonialism: the Celtic Fringe in British National Development, 1536–1966. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
Howes, Marjorie Elizabeth. Colonial Crossings: Figures in Irish Literary History. Dublin: Field Day Publications, 2006.
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. In a Glass Darkly. 3 vols. London: Bentley, 1872.
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. Madame Crowl’s Ghost. Ed. M. R. James. Ware: Wordsworth, 1994 [reprint of James edition of 1923].
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. The Rose and the Key. 3 Vols. 1871; new edition with an introduction and notes by Frances Chui. Kansas City; Valancourt, 2007.
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. The Tenants of Malory. 3 Vols. London: Tinsley, 1867.
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. The Wyvern Mystery. 3 Vols. London: Tinsley, 1869.
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. Uncle Silas. 3 Vols. London: Bentley, 1864.
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. Willing to Die. 3 Vols. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1873; new edition in single volume format, 1876.
Madoc-Jones, Enid. ‘Sheridan Le Fanu and Anglesey’. Transactions of the Anglesey Historical Society (1961): 69–76.
Madoc-Jones, Enid. ‘Sheridan Le Fanu and North Wales’. The Anglo-Welsh Review 17:40 (Winter 1969): 167–73.
McCormack, W.J. Dissolute Characters: Irish Literary History Through Balzaz, Sheridan Le Fanu, Yeats and Bowen. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993.
McCormack, W.J. <‘Introduction’. In a Glass Darkly. Sutton: Stroud, 1990.
McCormack, W.J. Sheridan Le Fanu and Victorian Ireland. Stroud: Sutton, 1997.
Sage, Victor. ‘Irish Gothic: C. R. Maturin and J. S. Le Fanu’. The Companion to Gothic. Ed. David Punter. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000. 81–93.
Sage, Victor. ‘The “Smashed Looking Glass”: Fragmentation and Narrative Perversity in Willing to Die’. Reflections in a Glass Darkly: Essays on J. Sheridan Le Fanu. Eds. Gary William Crawford, Jim Rickhill and Brian J. Showers. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2011. 429–46.
Smith, Andrew. The Ghost Story, 1840–1920: a Cultural History. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2010.
Last modified 2 April 2018