Biographical Material

- A Brief Biography
- Harriet Martineau: a Radical Liberal Social Commentator
- A Martineau Chronology
- Martineau's appearance (her portrait by George Richmond)
Literary Relations
- Martineau on Macaulay [full text]
- Martineau on John Wilson Croker of the Quarterly Review [full text]
- Martineau on John Gibson Lockhart of the Quarterly Review [full text]
- Martineau revises the conventions of the spiritual autobiography
- Charlotte Brontë on Martineau
Cultural contexts
- Economics Educator
- Pioneering Feminist
- A Condition-of-England Novelist
- Martineau and Periodical Journalism
- Malthusian Medicine in Martineau and Marcus
Religion & Philosophy
- Martineau's early defense of Unitarianism in The Essential Faith of the Universal Church
- Martineau's later Necessarianism
- Martineau's last stage: Comtean Positivism
Last modified 28 October 2023