Works illustrating poems by Swinburne

- Damon and Aglae by Simeon Solomon
- Laus Veneris by Edward Burne-Jones
- A Christmas Carol by Frank Lynn Jenkins and Gerald Moira
- Cleopatra by Frederick Sandys
Swinburne's Relations with the Pre-Raphaelites and Pre-Raphaelitism
- Swinburne's Version of the Pre-Raphaelite Fair Lady
- Burne-Jones, Pater, and Swinburne as�Founders of Later (or Aesthetic) Pre-Raphaelitism
Swinburne as Subject
- George Richmond's painting of Swinburne and his sisters in early life
- William Bell Scott's 1860 Portrait
- Max Beerbohm's caricatures of Swinburne