- Manliness in Trollope's Female Characters
- Trollope's Heroines
- A Woman's Point of View — Bibliographical Materials
- The changing role of women over the course of the Barchester series
- Mrs. Proudie and the anti-feminism of Barchester Towers
- Sympathy and the central role of women in The Last Chronicle of Barset
- Amanda Claybaugh on Trollope and the “American Girl”
- Feminized Heroism
- Social Satire in Punch and Trollope: Marriage
- What is Romantic Love? Margaret Hale and Ruby Ruggles Reply
- The "raucous sexual flavor" of Miss Mackenzie
- Kincaid on Clara Amedroz and the “masochism common to Trollope’s strong women”
- Gender relations in He Knew He Was Right
- Playthings to Men: Women, Power, and Money in Gaskell and Trollope
- The unconventional burlesque of American feminism in He Knew He Was Right
- The novel's three marriage plots examine “What should a woman do with her life?”
- Women and politics in Phineas Finn

- Trollope's Comfort Romances for Men: Heterosexual Male Heroism in his Work
- Manliness and Masculinity: Bibliographical Materials
- Trollope's Heroes who are not Sexually and Socially Triumphant
- Trollope's crippled, paralyzed and tragic figures
- Trollope's attitude toward homosexuality and homoerotics
- Kate Flint on "Queer Trollope"
- Patriarchal custom and gender reform in Ayala's Angel and Sir Harry Hotspur
The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels. Eds. Margaret Markwick, Deborah Denenholz Morse and Regenia Gagnier (Ashgate, 2009) xiii + 259 pp. [ by N. John Hall]
Last modified 3 October 2014