A History of Chartism
- Introduction to Chartism by Marjie Bloy
- Introduction to Chartism by Glenn Everett
- Contemporary views of Chartism
- Causes of Chartism
- The Significance of Chartism
- Moral Force vs. Physical Force Chartism
- Basic reasons for the Failure of Chartism
- Chartism: Framework of Events
- John Collins (1802-1852) of Birmingham
- Chartism in Birmingham
- How to Treat the Female Chartists (cartoon)
The Charter
Chartism and Literature

- The Radical and Working Class Poets of Chartism
- Thomas Carlyle's Chartism
- The Chartist trials, criminalized speech, Treason-Felony Act of 1848, and Dickens
- The Chartist trials and Gaskell's Mary Barton
Selected bibliography
Egan, Pierce. Wat Tyler. London: W. S. Johnson, 1851.
Ledger, Sally, Holly Fourneaux, eds. Charles Dickens in Context. Cambridge: New York, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Sanders, Mike. The Poetry of Chartism: Aesthetics, Politics, History. Cambridge, 2009. [Reviewed by John Plotz]
St. John, Ian. Disraeli and the Art of Victorian Politics. London: Anthem Press, 2010.
Slosson, William Preston. The Decline of the Chartist Movement. New York, 1916.
Vanden Bossche, Chris. Reform Acts: Chartism, Social Agency, and the Victorian Novel, 1832-1867. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2014. [Review by Andrzej Diniejko].
Last modified 11 January 2024