The main features of Afghanistan are the mountain chains, the general direction of which is east and west, but which throw out buttresses to the north and south. Afghanistan is traversed across the centre from east to west by a chain of mountains, which may be viewed as an offshoot of the Himalayan system. . . . Practically, almost the whole of Afghanistan is a mass of mountains interspersed with valleys, of which some are of considerable size. — Illustrated London News (October 1878): 326
Geographical and Geopolitical Information
- Afghanistan and the Countries between British India and Russian Asia (includes map, 1878)
- Afghanistan, its geography and history (1878)
- British “interference” in Afghanistan and the disasters of 1842
- The Afghan Boundary Commission (1885)
- Ten Punch cartoons on Ameer Ali, Russian intrigue, and the Cost of an Afghan campaign (1878)

- The Kyber Pass (article)
- Watch-Tower in the Khyber Pass
- Ford Jumrood at the Entrance to the Khyber Pass
- Entrance to the Bolan Pass, from Dadur
- In the Bolan Pass
- Head of the Bolan Pass
- Kelat
- Fort of Kullan Goti, near Tatta
- Quetta
- A Twig Bridge in Khagan
- A Pass in Khagan
- Thull, its history and strategic value for an attack on Kabul
- Village of Thull and Encampment of the Kuran Field Force
- The Nala Hisar and the City of Cabul, from the upper Part of the Citadel
- Entrance to the Khojak Pass, from Pershin, on the Road to Candahar
- Approach to the Fortress of Quetta, on the Afghan Frontier
- Fortress and Citadel of Ghunzi, Afghanistan, with the two main minars
- Huree Singh Ka Burj — the Extreme Outpost on the British Indian and Afghanistan Frontiers
- Kandahar
- City of Candahar [Kandahar], Afghanistan
- Gundava
- Afghan Houses, Goondan
- Port of Mooltahn in the Punjaub
- Bodeen Peak, and Village of Madzai, Khoorunm Valley, Afghanistan
- The View of Attock and the Entrance to Peshawur Valley
- House in which Shere Ali Resided at Peshawur in 1869
- A General View of Lahore (British India, now Pakistan)
- Afghan Soldier in the Karakoram Mountains, Hindu Kush, 1901
- Nawab Gholam Hussein Khan, C.S.I., British Envoy to the Ameer of Cabul
- The Commander-in-Chief, Sir Frederick Haines, leaving Umballa for the Front
- General Sir Frederick P. Haines, G.C.R., C.I.E. Commander-in-Chief of the Army in India (portrait)
- Lieut.-General Sir Samuel Browne, V.V., C.R., K.C.S.I. Commanding the Peshawur and Kyber Pass Column (portrait)
- Major-General A. S. Biddulph, C.R., R. A. Commanding the Quetta Column (portrait)
- Lieut.-General Donald Stewart, C.B.. Commanding the Mooltan Reserve Column (portrait)
- Major-General F.S. Roberts, V.C. C.B.. Commanding the Ruram Valley Column (portrait)
- Major-General F. S. Roberts, V.C., C. B. Commanding the Forces in the Khorrum Pass (portrait and commentary)
- The Late Syud Nur Muhammad Shah, Envoy and Plenipotentiary from the Ameer of Cabol
- Colonel Sir Lewis Felly, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., Envoy and Plenipotentiary to the Ameer of Cabol (portrait)
- Fifteen editorial cartoons from Fun on Disraeli, Ameer Ali, and Russia (1878-79)
- Major Cavagnari, the Member of the British Mission Who Was refused Admisison to the Khyber Pass, and Afridi and Other Pathan Mullicks
- The Rev. Imam Shah Preaching to Afghans at Peshawur
Battles and Military Scenes
- An Elephant Battery
- Pathan Infantry Skirmishing
- British Troops Signalling with the Heliograph
- British Troops in the Naru Kula Pass during the Alfridi Expedition
- The Chief Street of the Native City of Peshawur — A Commissariat Train
- On the March to the Front — Field Artillery Crossing the Indus by a Bridge of Boats
Camps and Campaigns
- British Advance Camp to the Khyber Pass, at Hurri Singh Ka Dour (1878)
- The English Church at Peshawur, with the Khyber Pass
- Camp of the British Mission to Cabul, at Jumrood, near the Khyber Pass
- The Afghan War: A Party of the Guide Corps Reconnoitering
- The Cuisine: A Sketch in Camp at Meean Mehr, Punjaub
- The 2nd (Queen’s Own) Bengal Light Infantry encamped at Meean Meer (1878)
- Camp Orderlies at Meean Meer, Punjaub
Ethnic and Tribal Groups in Afghanistan
- Afghanistan — A Group of Afridis from the Khyber Pass
- “An indelible stigma of disgrace”: The Guns of Kabul (1842)
- “One of the basest, foulest murders that ever stained the page of history”? The brutal death of Sir William Macnaghten
- The Afghan Church in Mumbai and the Guild of the Holy Standard
- The Memorial to the Queen’s Own Corps of Guides at Mardan, Pakistan
- George and Emily Eden and the First Afghan War (Review of Brigid Allen's 2025 book on the Edens)
Political and military history
Related material
Last modified 11 June 2018