Although Egypt was never part of the British Empire, it was under de facto British control from 1882 until 1922. Throughout this period (until 1918) it was part of the Ottoman Empire. From 1882 until 1956 there were British troops based there.

- Introduction
- The Geography of Egypt
- Climate and Seasons
- Egypt’s Plants and Animals
- Environmental Effects of the Suez Canal upon Neighboring Bodies of Water
- Egypt’s Government at Mid-Nineteenth Century
- Egypt’s Races and Ethnicities
- Egypt’s Modern History (i.e. Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Centuries)
Egypt’s Ruling Monarch as Seen in the 1840s
- Ibrahim, Ali Bey, and Mohammed Bey — Three Successive Egyptian Rebel Rulers
- Mehemmed Ali’s Civic and Economic Reforms
- Mehemmed Ali and the Egyptian Army in the 1840s
- Some Impressions of Mehemmed Ali by European Visitors
Egypt and Empire
- The Utilitarian Theory of Economic Imperialism, or Empire as Auxiliary
- The Bear’s Shadow: Russia and Victorian Britain’s Foreign Policy
- A Dozen Punch Editorial Cartoons about England, France, & Egypt
- France’s Egyptian Strategy from Louis XIV to Napoleon and After
- Napoleon Explains Three Reasons for the French Invasion of Egypt
- “An Expedient Which Wisdom and Humanity Must Alike Condemn”: the British Destroy the Protecting Banks of the Nile
- “You Broke the British Square”: The Battle of Tamai, 13 March 1884
- The Sudan and the Nile Expedition to Rescue Gordon (homepage)
Newspapers and Periodicals on Britain’s Actions in Egypt and the Sudan
- “England in Egypt” (1884 Westminster Review)
- No One Knew Why They Were Fighting (1884 Westminster Review)
- “There was no enemy, and no war, but we had to fight”: Gladstone's Ministry & Egypt (1885 Quarterly Review)
- “The Policy of England in Egypt Has Been a Gigantic and Fatal Error from Beginning to End”
Newspapers and Periodicals on Suppressing the African Slave Trade
- A Selection from “Slavery and the Slave Trade” (1881 Macmillan’s Magazine)
- Slavery in West Central Africa” (1894 Macmillan’s Magazine)
The Economy at Mid and Late Nineteenth-Century
- The Agriculture and Industries of Egypt
- Egypt’s Debts in 1884 (Edinburgh Review)
- The Egyptian Economy and Debts in 1888
- The Inadvertant Destruction of Turkish and Egyptian Rulers
- “Abuses which Demoralised the Governing Classes and Pressed Grievously upon the People”
Suez, the Suez Canal, and the Route from England to India
- The East Indiamen, heavily armed passenger and cargo ships from England to India
- New Passages to India, or How to Get From England to India
- The Suez Canal: Planning, Financing, and Construction

Cities and Places
[Unless otherwise noted maps come from Macmillan’s Guide to Palestine & Egypt (1901)] .

- Egypt in 1881 (The Encylopædia Britannica 1881)
- The Suez Canal Egypt in 1881 (The Encylopædia Britannica 1881)
- The Nile to Wadelai
- Ancient Alexandria
- Philae
- Suez Canal
- Environs of Cairo
- Pyramids of Gîzeh
- Environs of Aswan
- Temple of Luxor
- Temple of Hathor, Dendera
- Abydos with Temples of Ramses II and Set I
Egypt and the Victorians
- Egypt, Eygyptologists, and Victorian Egyptomania
- A dozen Punch cartoons on Egypt and British politics (1854)
- Punch has some fun with the fashion for things Egyptian (1854)
- Punch has some fun with Cleopatra’s Needle (1878)
Last modified 14 September 2020