[A] place that is unique in the world — unique in position, in picturesqueness, and in history. That mighty Rock, "standing out of the water and in the water," (as on the day when the old world perished;) is one of the Pillars of Hercules, that once marked the very end of the world; and around its base ancient and modern history flow together, as the waters of the Atlantic mingle with those of the Mediterranean. — Henry M. Field, vii.
Any serious analysis of the development of the character and consciousness of the Gibraltarian people ... must take stock of the British dimension in this small, close-knit community which may arguably be called an "offspring of Empire." — E. G. Archer, 1.

- "The Rock" in Voice from the Ranks: To the Crimea
- Gibraltar and the British
- Early Victorian Gibraltar (excerpts from Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo by M.A. Titmarsh, a.k.a. William Makepeace Thackeray)
- An American account of late-Victorian Gibraltar
- The Jewish Community in Gibraltar
- Henry Ince (1736-1808) and His Legacies
- Gibraltar, an English territory with southern characteristics (Video produced and shared by Jyskebank.tv, a Danish online tv station broadcasting in English)
- The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Anglican)
- Trinity Lighthouse
- St Andrew's Church
- Garrison Library
- The (former) Exchange and Commercial Library
- The Cathedral of St Mary the Crowned, and the Catholic Population of Gibraltar
- The Convent
- King's Chapel
- The Convent Guardhouse
- Supreme Court Building

Gibraltar's position (excerpted from Google maps).
Places, scenes etc.
- Trafalgar Cemetery
- Victorian Post Box on Main Street
- St Michael's Cave
- The Barbary Apes of Gibraltar
- The Southport Gates
Gibraltar in Art
- The "Victory" Towed into Gibraltar, by Clarkson Stanfield
- Peace — Burial at Sea, by J. M. W. Turner
- Gibraltar from the Spanish Shore, by Keeley Halswelle
- Gibraltar, by Hercules Brabazon Brabazon
- A Jewish Woman of Gibraltar, by John Frederick Lewis
Archer, E. G. Gibraltar, Identity and Empire. London: Routledge, 2006.
Bartlett, William Henry. Gleanings, Pictorial and Antiquarian, On the Overland Route. 2nd ed. London: Hall, Virtue, 1851. Google Books. Free ebook. Web. 8 January 2019.
Batty, Lieut. Col. Robert. Select views of some of the pricipal cities of Europe from original paintings by Lieut. Col. Batty F. R. S.. London: Moon, Boys & Graves, 1832. Internet Archive. Contributed by Robarts Library, University of Toronto. Web. 8 January 2019.
Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart Chatfield. "Gibraltar." The Land of the Castanet: Spanish Sketches. Chicago: Herbert S. Stone & Co., 1896. 236-254. Internet Archive. Contributed by University of California Libraries. Web. 8 January 2019.
Chipulina, Neville. The People of Gibraltar (an introduction and index to many thoughtful and informative entries). Web. 8 January 2019.
Constantine, Stephen. Community and Identity: The Making of Modern Gibraltar since 1704. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2009.
Ellicott, Dorothy. The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Gibraltar. 3rd ed. (updated by Bryan Gonzalez, Albert D. Langston and Revd. Michael Combe). Gibraltar: Holy Trinity Church Council, 2012.
Field, Henry Martyn. Gibraltar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1889. Project Gutenberg. Web. 8 January 2019.
Herbertson, A. J., and O. J. R. Howarth. The Oxford Survey of the British Empire: General Survey. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914. Internet Archive. Contributed by Cornell University Library. Web. 5 January 2019.
Kadish, Sharman. Jewish Heritage in Gibraltar: An Architectural Guide. Reading: Spire, 2007.
Mount, Harry. "Gibraltar: The Rock of Ages Past." The Spectator. 5 January 2019. 49-50.
Rushton, Katherine. Gibraltar. 2nd ed. Peterborough: Thomas Cook, 2011.
Stephens, George Frederick. Gibraltar and Its Sieges, with a description of its natural features. London: Thomas Nelson, 1879. Project Gutenberg. Web. 5 January 2019.
Created 5 January 2018