The Imperial Canal, China. The Illustrated London News (12 November 1842): 421. Image scan and text by Philip V. Allingham.
"Virtually, as a line of communication, this canal extends from Hang-chou, the principal city in Che-Keang, to Pekin, the capital of the empire, which is a distance of about 700 British miles. In reality, however, the artificial canal, the Cha-ho, or 'river of flood-gates,' as the Chinese term it, is considerably shorter; it begins to the southward ofthe Yellow River, where the natural navigation of a lake connected with the Blue River ends, and is carried onward to Lin-teing, in the north-west of Shangtung. Thence the navigation is continued by the Eu-ho and Pei-ho to Pekin."
The Illustrated London News I, No. 27 (12 November 1842): 421.
Last modified 15 September 2006