Ireland and the British Empire
Britain and Ireland, 1789-1801
Another View: Why Ireland Wasn't a Colony
"An Éirinneach nó Sassanach tú?" — Are You Irish or English?
Wellington on injustice and danger in Ireland
The Irish Famine: 1845-49
"The sufferings of the poor Irish emigrant" — Emigration (Illustrated London News, 1851)
Poverty in Ireland (Illustrated London News, 1848)
The Depopulation of Ireland
The Maynooth Grant
The Lichfield House Compact, 1835
A review of Amy E. Martin's Alter-Nations: Nationalisms, Terror, and the State in Nineteenth-century Britain and Ireland (2012)
Anti-Irish Propaganda: George Cruikshank's illustrations for Maxwell's History of the Irish Rebellion in
1798 (1845)
Postcolonial Critical Theory (opens in new window)
Politics and Society in Victorian Ireland
Benjamin Disraeli on the Irish Question
Daniel O'Connell
State Church, established by despotism and
confiscation on the
ruins of the Church of the people”
J.S. Mill's ideas of land reform
27 editorial cartoons about Land Reform, Home Rule, and Gladstone from Fun
Amy E. Martin on Fenianism
Daniel O’Connell: “Ireland is the only Christian unsullied by persecution of the Jews”
Science, Technology, and Politics
Science and Empire in Victorian Ireland: The Evidence of British Association Meetings in Ireland
The Practical Arts in Irish Culture
The Irish in England
Anti-Irish Prejudice
The Irish Question in British periodicals
“Ireland” (Fraser’s Magazine, 1866)
Representations of Ireland and the Irish in English Literature
Jonathan Swift ("A Modest Proposal")
Thomas Carlyle (the Irish poor)
Elizabeth Gaskell (Irish strikebreakers in North and South
Charles Kingsley
William Maginn ("Irish Genius")
Representations of Ireland [continued]
"The Tears on the Shamrock" (1847)
Anthony Trollope — novels set in Ireland:
[Review of] James H. Murphy's Irish Novelists and the Victorian Age
Ireland and the Visual Arts
The Celtic Revival
Popular and Applied Arts in the Celtic Revival
Representations of Ireland and the Irish in Punch
Nineteenth-century Irish Writers
Dion Boucicault
Margaret Brew
John Wilson Croker
George Egerton
Sarah Grand
Iota (Kathleen Mannington Caffyn)
Annie Keary
Charles Lever
Emily Lawless
William Maginn
Rosa Mulholland
Lord Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett
George Bernard Shaw [material needed]
John Millington Synge [material needed]
Thomas Moore
Oscar Wilde
William Butler Yeats
Geography and Landscape
Lakes and Mountain Scenes — several dozen illustrations from the Illustrated London News
Last modified 24 June 2021