This passage appears in the author's "The Liberal Triumvirate of England" in Modern Leaders: Beings a Series of Biographical Sketches, which Sheldon & Company (N.Y.) published in 1872. Scanning, HTML conversion, and proofreading were carried out by George P. Landow, who added links to materials in VW. disponible en espa�ol

The Triumvirate of the English Liberal Party: (a) John Bright. (b) William Ewart Gladstone. (c) John Stuart Mill.
his is the Triumvirate of the English Liberal Party. Combined they represent, guide, and govern every section and fracion of that party that is worth taking into any consideration. Mr. Gladstone represents official Liberalism ; Mr. Bright speaks for and directs the old-fashioned, robust, popular Liberalism of which Manchester was the school; Mr. Mill is the exponent of the new Liberalism, the Liberalism of Idea and Logic. Bright's programme is a little ahead of Gladstone's, but Gladstone will probably be easily pulled up to it. Mill goes far beyond either, far beyond any point at which either is ever likely to arrive. Indeed, Mr. Mill may be fairly described by a phrase, which I believe is German, as a man in advance of every possible future — at least in England. But he is quite prepared to act loyally and steadily with his party and its leader on all momentous issues.
Related Materials
- John Stuart Mill as a speaker in Parliament — A Contemporary View (1872)
- Republicanism vs. Liberalism
- The Cosmopolitan Interior: Liberalism and the British Home, 1870-1914, by Judith A. Neiswander [Review]
McCarthy, Justin. "The Liberal Triumvirate of England." Modern Leaders: Being a Series of Biographical Sketches. N. Y.: Sheldon & Company, 1872. pp. 106-15.
Last modified 6 February 2014