A former pupil of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm, Laurent Bury was lecturer at Paris IV-Sorbonne University from 1997 to 2009, then professor at Lumiière-Lyon 2 University from 2010 to 2020. After submitting his Doctorat d'État on seduction in the fiction of Anthony Trollope (published 2004), he focused his research on Victorian art and literature, in particular Victorian Orientalism and women painters. He was secretary, then president of the Société française d’études victoriennes et édouardiennes.

A very small selection of Laurent Bury's many books.
Over the last thirty years, he has translated some two hundred books from English into French, including Pride and Prejudice, Alice in Wonderland, Byron’s Don Juan and D.H. Lawrence's Women in Love. As a freelance contributor, he reviews concerts and operas for the French magazine Classica, and for French-speaking websites concertclassic.com and premiereloge-opera.com. He also reviews exhibitions for wanderersite.com.
Created 3 July 2023