Daniela Daniele holds a doctoral degree in Anglistics from the University of Genoa and a PhD in Comparative Literature at the City University of New York. She currently teaches Anglo-American Literature at the University of Udine.

Her research on Victorian America mostly focused on Louisa May Alcott's writings, and led to the Italian editions of Moods (Bollati Boringhieri, 1995) and of the four-volume Marches’ saga (Einaudi, 2006). She has written several essays on this writer and on her contemporaries, and recently translated a selection of her suffragist articles and poems appeared in the Woman’s Journal.

She is also a specialist in contemporary American literature and published Città senza mappa: paesaggi urbani e racconto postmoderno in America (Dell'Orso, 1994); The Woman of the Crowd: Urban Displacement and Failed Encounters in Surrealist and Postmodern Writing (Rodopi, 2000); the collection of interviews with American writers Scrittori e finzioni d'America: Incontri e cronache (1989-1999) (Bollati Boringhieri, 2000). She also edited a literary anthology in the aftermath of September 11th, Undici settembre. Contro-narrazioni americane (Einaudi, 2003); a special issue of Nuova Corrente (Tilgher, 2005) on Don DeLillo and the American section of the Garzantina della letteratura (Garzanti, 2007). She also translated into Italian a selection of poems by Grace Paley (Empiria, 1993) and by Jerome Rothenberg (Porto dei santi, 2001), and the collection of short stories by Mary Caponegro Materia prima (Leconte, 2004).

Last modified 10 June 2012