Oindrila Ghosh, took her BA (First Class Second) from erstwhile Presidency College, and her MA and PhD from Jadavpur University. She was recipient of National Scholarship for her undergraduate results and Junior Research Fellowship of the University Grants Commission (2004). Her doctoral thesis was on the Treatment of Motherhood in Thomas Hardy’s Shorter Fiction (2013) She is currently Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, Kolkata, India.
She has been twice awarded the Charles Wallace India Trust, UK, Short Research Grant (2009, 2019), for Pre and Post Doctoral Research respectively. She has been invited twice to Dorchester as Speaker by the Thomas Hardy Society, UK, at their Biennial Conferences in 2014 and 2016 and also been the recipient of their prestigious Frank Pinion Award in 2014. She was invited as Resource Person at an Arts and Humanities Research Centre Sponsored Workshop, to York University in 2017, where she spoke on the role of the Hardy Archives in Dorchester in Preserving Hardy’s Letters. She was also a Post Doctoral UGC Associate at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla in 2016, 2018 and 2019.
She has two edited volumes to her credit: Protean Images: A Study of Womanhood in Victorian Society and Literature (2017) and An Enigma Called Emily: Reassessing Emily Bronte at 200 (2019), the third on Gender and the Supernatural in the Victorian Short Story is under preparation. She has published widely on Thomas Hardy and Victorian Age in general in national and international journals, such as The Thomas Hardy Journal, The Hardy Society Journal, The Hardy Review, FATHOM Revues (Journal of the French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies), apart from delivering several lectures and invited talks on Hardy to students in college and university Departments. Her current research interests and projects centre on Bollywood adaptations of Hardy’s works and in establishing the probable Indian connections Thomas Hardy had, through his unpublished epistolary correspondences – the latter being her independent Post-Doctoral Project supported by the Charles Wallace grant. Report on her work may be found here. She has already published parts of her findings in Hardy Journals. She is also a Peer Reviewer for the Victorian Network and has reviewed for Early Popular Visual Culture (2020) too.
Last modified 17 September 2020