Photo by Philp Scalia Photography
Catherine J. Golden is Professor of English at Skidmore College where she teaches courses in Victorian literature and culture as well as book illustration. She completed an AB at Brown University, an EdM at Harvard University, and a PhD at the University of Michigan. She is a Fulbright Scholarship recipient and has received grants from the Stuart Rossiter Trust, Advanced Studies in England, and the Mellon Foundation to support her research in archives and museums in London and Bath, UK.

Golden has written extensively on nineteenth-century literature, illustration, and women writers. Her books include Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing (University Press of Florida, 2009; 2nd paperback edition 2010) and Images of the Woman Reader in Victorian British and American Fiction (University Press of Florida, 2003). She presented her work on the Victorian letter-writing revolution at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum on January 10, 2010, the 170th anniversary of the coming of the Penny Post, and writes postings for the National Postal Museum blog.

Golden is also editor of five books: Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wall-Paper: A Sourcebook and Critical Edition, Ed. (Routledge, 2004); The Mixed Legacy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Ed.with J. Zangrando; U of Delaware P, 2000); Book Illustrated: Text, Image, and Culture 1770-1930 (Oak Knoll, 2000); Unpunished (Ed.with D. Knight, Feminist Press, 1997); The Captive Imagination, Ed. (Feminist Press, 1992). Her essays and reviews have appeared in Victorian Studies, Victorian Poetry, American Literary Realism, ANQ, Beatrix Potter Studies, and other journals, collections, and anthologies. She is a founding member of the Charlotte Perkins Gilman Society and served as Executive Director from 1998-2002.
Last modified 13 March 2017