Members of the Athenaeum Club by Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt ARA (1833-1898). Pen and ink on paper. Courtesy of the Athenaeum Club, Waterloo Place and Pall Mall, London. According to text frames beneath the drawing, this caricature appears in a letter fron Burne-Jones to his nephew Rudyard Kipling upon his election to the club:
Dear Ruddy
I heard last night that you were elected to the Athenaeum — of course you were — and I am ready at any moment to take you there & make you familiar with it, its dining room, its library and librarian, and if I might add its officers — the latter will amaze you — and you will know more of the life of bishops than in a hundred biographies of them. . . . the little drawing whereof I spoke, I will choose and send in a day or two. Love to you both — nay, all
Your aff[ectionate]
Related Material
- The caricature and a partial transcription of the letter in which it appeared
- The partial transcription of the letter (detail)
Last modified 23 September 2012