The Annunciation, adapted by J. H. Dearle from an original design of 1872 by Sir Edward Burne-Jones for Castle Howard (Bond and Dear 19). Manufacturer: Morris and Co. 1910 This image is the first in a series of four in the Epiphany Chapel, Winchester Cathedral, fitted out for the Reverend Canon Valpy for his private devotions (Warren 89).

Photograph by Colin Price, reproduced here by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter of Winchester Cathedral. Click on the image to enlarge them.
Related Material
- Winchester Cathedral (gives links to other windows in the church)
- John Dearle's Visitation window, Winchester Cathedral
- Burne-Jones's Nativity window, Winchester Cathedral
- Burne-Jones's Epiphany window, Winchester Cathedral
- Burne-Jones's Annunciation window, St Margaret's Church, Rottingdean
- Burne-Jones's Annunciation window, Trinity Church, Saugerties, New York
Crook, John. Winchester Cathedral: Nine Hundred Years, 1093-1993. Chichester: Phillimore, 1993.
Bond, David, and Glynis Dear. The Stained Glass Windows of William Morris and His Circle in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Hampshire County Council, 1998.
Warren, William Thorn. Illustrated Guide to Winchester. Rev. ed. 1922. Google Books, very limited view, but see also John Crook above.
Created 5 June 2020