Painter of domestic genre of a tender and affecting nature (usually of children) and a few Biblical subjects — Christopher Wood, p. 91
As to Sick Child, this became the distinguishing nickname of Joseph Clark, ROI, who made a hit with the first picture he exhibited at the R.A. It was called "The Sick Child and the year was 1857.... though his genre embraced other homely themes as well as that of ailing youth, Joseph became known in the profession as "Sick Child Clark" — F. Gordon Roe, p. 48
Biographical Material and Discussions
- Joseph Clark (1834-1926): A Brief Biography
- "British Artists: Their Style and Character, No. LXIII: Joseph Clark" (by James Dafforne, 1863)
- Victorian Genre Painting

Dafforne, James. "British Artists: Their Style and Character, No. LXIII: James Clark." The Art-Journal Vol. 2, issue 15 (March 1863): 49-51. Internet Archive. [Whole text on the Victorian Web]
"Obituary." The Studio. Vol. 92 (July-December 1926): 193. Google Books. Free ebook.
Roe, F. Gordon. Victorian Corners: The Style and Taste of an Era. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1968.
Wood, Christopher. The Dictionary of Victorian Painters. 2nd ed. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club, 1978.
Created 20 November 2024