Biographical Material
FALMAG 1000.36 (An Old Mill, Falmouth, item in the collection of the Falmouth Art Gallery. https://www.falmouthartgallery.com/Collection/1000.36)
Fredeman, William. "Pictures at an Exhibition: Late Victorian and Modern Perspectives on Pre-Raphaelitism." Victorian Connections, edited by Jerome J. McGann. University of Virginia Press, 179-199.

Hardie, Melissa, ed. Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall. 1880-1940. A Dictionary and Source Book. Bristol: Art Dictionaries Ltd, 2009.
Johnson, A. and A. Greutzner, compilers. Dictionary of British Artists, 1880-1940. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club, 1976.
“Oh, bless its little heart!”. Illustrated London News. Vol. 38. 5 January 1861. Internet Archive. Web. 13 March 2024.
Robert Collinson. CAI (Cornish Artists Index). Web. 13 March 2024. https://cornwallartists.org/cornwall-artists/robert-collinson
Stray Rabbits. V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum). https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O16498/stray-rabbits-oil-painting-collinson-robert/
Wood, Christopher. The Dictionary of Victorian Painters. 2nd ed. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club, 1978.
Created 14 March 2024