Constable enrolled in the Royal Academy in 1799 and for the first decade of his painting career he failed to sell any work in England. This was not the case in Paris, however, where his paintings were accepted with enthusiasm. Constable's landscapes had a strong influence on French landscape painting, and his swift gestures and use of light to create a particular mood were an inspiration to the Impressionists. — The Art Book, p.105
John Constable is arguably the best-loved English artist. His fame and popularity are rivalled only by those of his great contemporary, J. M. W. Turner.... In order fully to appreciate Constable’s achievement one must first attempt to clear away some of the many misconceptions surrounding his work. He was, for example, a more versatile artist than most of his modern admirers realize.... Many of the magisterial productions of his last years, including Hadleigh Castle and The Opening of Waterloo Bridge are a far cry from the Suffolk scenes, whilst his accomplishments within the difficult and competitive genre of marine painting have been consistently undervalued. — Barry Venning, p. 5

Statue of John Constable on the façade of
the Victoria and Albert Museum, by Vincent Hill.
The Art Book. London and New York: Phaidon, pbk ed. 1997.
Venning, Barry. Constable. London: Studio Editions, 1990.
Created 3 March 2022