Religious subjects
- St. Cecily
- St. Brendan
- Our Lady of Promise
- A Madonna of Brittany
- The Annunciation
- St. Cecilia
- L’Enfance de Jeanne d’Arc
Literary subjects

- Isabella and the Pot of Basil
- Ariadne on the Isle of Naxos
- Echo
- Piping down the valleys wild
- Flora Alpina
- The Childhood of Perseus
- Emily: The Kentish Tale
Vallance, Aymer. “The Paintings of Reginald Frampton, R.O.I.” International Studio. 66 (1919): 66-76. Hathi Digital Library Trust internet version of a copy in the Cornell University Library. Web. 12 October 2017. [complete text in the Victorian Web.]
Last modified 26 February 2018