
- Our Philharmonic Society at its First Rehearsal [A Philharmonic Rehearsal in a Farmhouse]
- In Holbein's Studio [Sir Thomas More and his daughter Margaret Roper in Holbein's Studio]
- The Fruit Bearer
- A Jew's Daughter Accused of Witchcraft in the Middle Ages
- Chinese Ladies Looking at European Curiosities
- Arab Prisoners [A Rest by the Wayside]
- Army Reorganization in Morocco
- A Tunisian Bird-Seller
- A Cock-Fight [The Challenge Refused]
- Relatives in Bond
- Loot, "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin"
- An Eastern Question [East and West]

"Mr. John Evan Hodgson R. A." The Athenaeum No. 3531 (29 June 1895): 844.
Taylor, Tom. "English Painters of the Present Day. XIX - J. E. Hodgson." The Portfolio II (1871): 17-19.
Created 17 January 2024