Silver and Gold
Arthur Hughes
Source: Magazine of Art 6 (1883): 66
In 1883 the Hughes was part of “the collection got together by Mr. Trist at his house in Brighton.”
“There is probably no house in which the tender and loveable art of Mr. Arthur Hughes can be better studied than in Mr. Trist's. His "Silver and Gold" . . . come[s] nearer to what the public reckons as Pre-Raphaelite than any other of the works we print; for they are "purist "in feeling and filled with almost infinite detail of grass and leaf and flower. If the Pre-Raphaelite movement did nothing else, it at least strung up the energies of our young painters to put into their pictures not only all they knew, but whatever they could think and feel. [Commentary continued below]
Image capture and formatting by George P. Landow.