Tim Linnell [tim@thelinnells.freeserve.co.uk], a descendant of the artist, has kindly shared with readers of the Victorian Web his scanned text of The Life of John Linnell, which the London publishers Bentley and Son brought out in 1892. George P. Landow has adapted it for html, adding links to the original text.
THE following lists form a catalogue, as nearly complete as possible, of John Linnell's landscapes and other paintings and drawings; also of his engravings. It also gives the more important portraits that he painted.
The sizes, when named, are those of the engraved work.
Portrait of John Martin, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Keppel Street, London. Engraved (in etching and line) from the artist's oil picture (1813).
Replica of the Head, small vignette (in dry point and line), signed 'J. Linnell, 1817.' (Gale and Fenner, Paternoster Row.)
Portrait of Rev. J. M. Bletsoe, head-master of Loughborough Grammar School (6 by 4 inches), 1814.
Portrait of Mr. G. Phillips (head) from the artist's own drawing, 1814.
Two Views in the Island of Elba. Small etching for 'A Tour through the Island of Elba' (one not used).
A View of the Source of the Ebro for General Maitland. Etching on copper, 12 by 20 inches, 1814, 1815.
A Girl at a Well (8 by 6 inches), etched on copper for Mr. Cristall, 1815.
'A Landscape,' small; engraved for J. Varley, 1816.
A View of Woody Mountains called 'Taleh Rudbar' (6 by 6 inches). Etched for Sir Wm. Ouseley, 1816.
'Ruins near Morghun' (Persia). For Sir W. Ouseley, from a drawing by Col. D'Arcy, 1816.
Two Views of Mountains, with Huts. For Sir W. Ouseley, 1816.
Portrait of Mr. Spence. Small etching for Mr. Rickards, 1816.
Portrait of Dr. Chalmers. Etching, small, 1817.
Bust of the Princess Charlotte, drawn on stone for Mr. White, engraver, December, 1817.
Portrait of Mrs. Whiting (7 by 5 inches). Etched from the artist's pencil-drawing for Miss Doig, 1817.
Waterfall in a Wood (6, by 5 inches). Etched from a drawing by Robson, 1818.
'Interior of a Ruined Abbey' (4 by 3 inches). Etched from a drawing by J. Constable, 1818.
'Mid-day' (4 by 8 inches), 1818. Etched on copper from his picture painted the same year.
'Woodcutter's Repast' (4 by 8 inches). Etched on copper from his sketch in Windsor Forest, 1818.
Portrait of James Upton, pastor of the Baptist Church, Church Street, Blackfriars Road (10 by 7 inches). In line and dry point from the artist's own picture, 1818, 1819. Linnell employed William Blake to begin and lay in this portrait.
Landscape by Ruysdael (6 by 9 inches). Etched from the picture for Mr. S. Woodburn, 1819.
Portrait of Wilson Lowry, F.R.S., M.G.S. Vignette, engraved (in line) by J. Linnell and William Blake from Linnell's drawing, 1824. (Hurst, Robinson and Co., Cheapside.)
Portrait of Thomas Chevalier, F.R.S., F.S.A., F.H.S., Surgeon-extraordinary to the King. and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery to the Royal College of Surgeons. Vignette, en-graved (line) from the artist's own drawing from the life, 1825. (Colnaghi and Co.)
Figure (small) from the centre panel of the triptych by Van Eyck (3 inches square). Etched for Mrs. Aders as a specimen of style for a prospectus for the publication of the whole work, 1825.
Triptych, by Van Eyck -- first panel (20 by 7 inches). Engraved in line for Mrs. Aders, 1826.
Views in Norway (6 plates containing 8 subjects). Etched from drawings by Mr. Edward Price, 1827, 1828.
Portrait of the Rev. George Pritchard (vignette, 9 by 5 inches). From the artist's own drawing, 1827. (Wightman and Cramp, Paternoster Row.)
Heads, various (8 plates, 6 by 10 inches), etched for J. Varley, and published in his 'Treatise on Zodiacal Physiognomy,' 1828.
Michael Angelo's Figures on the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Facsimile copies of old line engravings. Six plates of single figures 6 by 4 inches, 1828.
Portrait of Robert Gooch, M.D. (11 by 9 inches). In line from the artist's own picture, 1831. (W. J. White, Brownlow Street.)
'Feeding the Rabbits,' by W. Collins, R.A. (15 by 12 inches). Engraved for the artist in mezzotint, 1831. (F. Collins, 52, Great Marlborough Street.)
'Saul' (15 by 22 inches). Engraved in mezzotint from John Varley's picture, 1831. (Albert Varley.)
Portraits of Rev. Rowland Hill, M.A. (1827); C. Babbage, Esq. (1832); and Rev. Wm. Marsh, M.A. (1831). Engraved from portraits by Miss Sheppard.
'Boys in a Boat' (6 by 5 inches). Engraved in mezzotint from the picture by W. Collins, R.A., 1832.
Portrait of A. W. Callcott, Esq., R.A. (13 by 10 inches). In mezzotint from the artist's own portrait from the life, 1832.
Portrait of Wm. Bray, Esq., of Shere, Surrey, in his ninety-seventh year (14 by 12 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's own portrait, 1833. (Colnaghi and Co.)
Portrait of the Rev. T. R. Malthus, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Hist. and Pol. Economy at the East India College, and author of the 'Essay on the Principles of Population,' etc. (14 by 11 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's own portrait, 1833. (Colnaghi and Co.)
Portrait of James Stephen, Esq, one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery. Mezzotint from the artist's own posthumous portrait, 1834.
Portrait of the Rev. John Marshall (small). Mezzotint, 1834.
Portrait of Edward William Wynne Pendarves, Esq., M.P. (15 by 12 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's own picture, 1835. (Colnaghi and Co.)
Portrait of Pelham Warren, M.D., F.R.S. (15 by 11 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's own painting, 1835.
Portrait of 'The Right Hon. Thos. Spring-Rice, Chancellor of the Exchequer,' etc. (14 by 12 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's own picture, 1836. (Francis Graves and Co., Cockspur Street.)
Portrait of Mrs. Daniel, mother of the Rev. E. T. Daniel (8 by 6 inches). Etched from the artist's drawing, 1836.
Portrait of Mr. Zachariah Langton (15 by 13 inches). Mezzo-tint from the artist's picture, 1836.
Portrait of the Rev. John Leifchild (15 by 12 inches). Mezzo-tint from the artist's picture, 1836. (Leifchild, 13, Picca-dilly.)
Portrait of Thos. Norris, Esq., F.R.A.S. (15 by 12 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's own picture, 1837.
Facsimiles of Original Drawings of the Frescoes by Michael Angelo on the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel These draw-ings were made at the time of the paintings, and before the fresco of 'The Last Judgment' was executed. Originally the subjects were on one sheet of paper, forming one whole, similarly to the frescoes of the ceiling. Forty-one plates, engraved in mezzotint, and published at first in six numbers, containing (with the key plate) seven plates each. The first number was issued to subscribers, April, 1833 ; the others as completed, the last being finished February, 1837.
Portrait of 'The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart.,' etc. (16 by 13 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's picture from the life. 1838. (Thos. Boys, publisher.)
Portrait of Richard Whately, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin (12 by 9 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's picture from the life, 1838. (B. Fellows, 39 Ludgate Street.)
Portrait of the Rev. Joseph Hallet Batten, D.D., F.R.S. (16 by 12 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's portrait from the life, 1838.
Portrait of the Rev. George A. E. Marsh, A.M., Rector of Bangor (12 by 9 inches). Etched from the artist's drawing, 1835.
'The Journey to Emmaus' (13 by 18 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's picture, 1839. A proof impression of this print, from the picture selected by the Committee of the Society for the Encouragement of British Art in the year 1838 was presented to each subscriber for the season 1839.
Landscape by Titian -- Herdsman driving cattle (7 by 6 inches). In mezzotint for The Royal Gallery of Pictures.' (Jas. Bohn, 1840.) The original is at Buckingham Palace.
Portrait of William Otter, D.D, Bishop of Chichester (16 by 13 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's portrait, 1841.(W.H. Mason, Chichester; and Welch and Gwynne, St. James's Street.)
Portrait of Major Beamish (14 by 11 inches). Etched from the artist's drawing, 1838.
Portrait of the Rev. Robert Clarke Caswall, LL.B. (10 by 8 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's painting from the life, 1847.
Portrait of Robert Peel, Esq. (cousin of Sir Robert Peel), (size 15 by 13 inches). Mezzotint from the artist's picture, 1841.
Portrait of the Rev. Jno. P. Blencowe (8 by 6 inches). Etched from the artist's drawing, 1842.
Portrait of Joseph Strutt, Esq., of Derby (15 by 13 inches). From the artist's picture, in mezzotint, 1842. (Moseley, Derby.)
Portrait of 'Gen. B. Espartero' (vignette, 10 by 8 inches). Drawn on stone from the artist's portrait, 1843. (T. McLean, Haymarket.)
Portrait of William Coningham, Esq. (8 by 6 inches). Etched from the artist's picture, 1843.
Four Illustrations for 'Traditional Nursery Songs of England,' by Felix Summerly (Mr., afterwards Sir H. Cole), published by J. Cundall, 12, Old Bond Street, 1843. The subjects were:
'Let's go to bed, says Sleepy Head;'
'I've Caught a Hare Alive;'
'The Cat sat Asleep by the Fire;'
'There was an Old Woman,' etc.
Portrait of Lady Beauchamp (16 by 13 inches). On stone, from the artist's portrait, 1845.
Portrait of Lord Methuen. On stone, from the artist's portrait, 1846.
Portraits from the Life. Oil Paintings.
Picture (small) of 'A Woman at Table Drinking' (1811). Painted from Mr. Mulready's mother, and very like her. Purchased by Mr. Ridley Colborne (1811) for 25 guineas.
A companion picture, entitled 'A Boy Reading,' was painted from William Mulready 1811).
Linnell's first (recorded) commission for a portrait was from Ridley Colborne, Esq. (afterwards Lord Colborne), for whom he painted (1811) a picture containing small whole-length portraits of himself, Mrs. Colborne, and child. Mr. Colborne appears as a gamekeeper bringing a hare to his wife, who stands at a cottage door. (Panel, 15 by 12 inches.)
In 1811 he commenced a portrait (head) of Francis Beckford, Esq., of Southampton.
Mr. John Martin (Baptist minister), half-length, life-size, 1812. (Engraved.) Exhibited at the 'Old Masters'in 1883. In possession of the artist's family.
In 1815 the artist painted about a dozen small portraits at Newbury and Kingsclere.
Rev. George Pritchard, Baptist preacher. Painted by the artist for himself, and exhibited at Spring Gardens.
Mr. Bryan (author of the 'Dictionary of Painters'), 1816.
Mr. Fisher (of the Exchequer Office), 1816.
Mr. Druysdale (from Russia), 1816.
Lord Strangford (for Mr. Carpenter, of Bond Street), 1816.
Miss Sophia Gwilt, 1816.
Mr. John Gage (3 portraits), 1816-17.
Mr. Shirley, Baptist minister at Sevenoaks, Kent.
Mr. Trevithike, the engineer and inventor (life-size), 1816.
Mr. Chin (Baptist minister at Walworth), 1816.
Dr. Steadman (Baptist minister), 1817.
The Dowager Countess of Errol (small), 1817.
The Right Hon. J. H. Frere (small), 1817.
Portraits in group of Philip Thomas Wykharn, Esq., Mrs. Wykham, and two sons, and Mrs. Trottman (small whole-lengths), 1817. Painted at Tythrop House, near Thame, Oxon.
Portraits in group of Fiennes Trottman, Esq. (brother to Mrs. Wykharn), and Mrs. Trottman (small whole-lengths), 1817. Painted at Tythrop House.
The Duke of Argyle (small), 1817.
The Duchess of Argyle (small), 1817.
Lord John Campbell (brother to the Duke of Argyle), (small), 1817.
C. Gusley, Esq. (West Indian), (small), 1818.
Dr. Jenkins (Baptist minister at Walworth), (small), 1818.
Mr. James Upton (Baptist minister at Blackfriars), (small), 1818. (Engraved.)
Colonei Dumaresque (small), 1818; again in 1819.
Mr. Ivemy (Baptist minister), (small), 1818.
John Varley (the water-colour painter), (small), 1818.
Miss Furnell (of Henley.on-Thames), (small), 1818.
Henry Hervey, Esq., 1819. Also of Edward Hervey, Esq.
Lieut-Colonel Torrens (small), 1819.
Mr. Sweatman, senr., (half-length, life-size), 1819
Mrs. Allies (of Southampton), (life-size), 1819.
Portraits in group of Lady Torrens and Family -- (Miss Torrens, Miss Hannah Torrens, Henry Torrens, Esq., Masters Arthur, Frederic and Charles Torrens), 1819-21. Width, 60 inches. (Small whole-lengths.) For Sir Henry Torrens, of Fulham. R.A. , 1821.
Miss Waring (afterwards Mrs. J. Brooks), as Rowena in 'Ivan-hoe,' 1820. R.A., 1821
Colonel Maxwell, Governor of St. Kits (R.A,), and Mrs. Maxwell, 1821.
The Earl of Denbigh, 1821. R.A., 1823.
E. Denny, Esq., 1821. R.A., 1822.
Sir Edward Denny, Bart. (of King's End House, near Worcester), 1821; also Lady Denny.
Master William Denny (youngest son of Sir E. Denny), 1821. R.A., 1822.
Miss Charlotte Fector (afterwards Mrs. Bayley), (small), 1821.
Bayley, Esq. (son of Judge Bayley), (small), 1822.
Mrs. George Stephen (small), 1822. R.A.
Miss Anne James, 1822. R.A., 1823.
The Right Hon. Lady Agnes Buller (twin-sister to the Duke of Northumberland), 1822-23, (whole-length, life-size). R.A., 1823.
Colonel Buller (of Whitehall Place), (whole-length, life-size), 1822-23.
Joseph James, Esq. (of Esher), 1823. R.A.
Captain Craigie, 1824.
Mrs. William Wilberforce, 1824. R.A.
Mrs. Digby Murray (whole-length, life-size), 1824.
General Darling, of Cheltenhain; also Mrs. Darling, 1825.
Portrait group of Miss C. Darling and Master F. Darling (small whole-lengths), 1825.
Portrait group of Mrs. Darling and Children (small whole-lengths), 1825.
Colonel Kingscote (of Kingscote, Gloucestershire); also Mrs. Kingscote (both half-length, life-size), 1825.
Miss Denny (small), 1825. R.A.
Mrs. Garratt (of Hampstead), 1825.
Edward Sheppard, Esq. (of 'The Ridge,' Gloucestershire), 1825. R.A., 1826.
Miss J. Puxley (life-size), 1826. R.A.
Kennerly, Esq. (half-length, life-size), 1826.
Miss Macdonald, 1826. R.A.
Mrs. Aders, 1827. (Engraved.)
Robert Gooch, M.D., 1827. Painted for Sir William Knighton. R.A. (Engraved.)
Miss Knighton (afterwards Mrs. Seymour), 1827. For Sir William Knighton. R.A.
Lady Lyndhurst, 1827. For the Lord Chancellor. R.A., 1830.
George Stephen, Esq., 1827. R.A., 1829.
Miss Hawkins (and her dog), small whole-length, 1829.
Portrait group of Colonel Smith's four children, 1829.
J. B. Flint, Esq. (of Canterbury); also of Mrs. Flint, 1830.
Miss Knighton (second daughter of Sir William Knighton), 1830.
Portrait group of William Garratt, Esq., and family (of Hamp-stead), 1830.
Mrs. Young (aged 81, mother of Mr. Young, the actor), 1831. R.A., 1832.
A.W. Callcott, Esq., R.A., 1831. R.A., 1832. (Engraved.)
William Collins, Esq., R.A., 1831. Sold to J. Gibbons, Esq., 1846.
Thomas Hill, Esq., 1831. R.A., 1832.
William Mulready, Esq., R.A., 1832. R.A., 1833. Sold to J. Gibbons, Esq., 1846.
Lady Anstruther (late Miss Torrens), (life-size, with harp), 1831. R.A., 1832.
Charles Aders, Esq., 1832. R.A., 1835.
The Rev. Edward Osborne, 1832.
Lord King; also Lady King, 1832. R.A.
Mrs. Ann Hawkins (9 by 7 inches), 1832. In the National Gallery.
William Bray, Esq. (of Shere, Surrey) in his 97th year, 1832. R.A., 1833. (Engraved.)
Miss Fowke (life-size), 1832.
Sir Frederick Fowke, Bart. (of Lowesby Hall, near Leicester), 1833. R.A.
The Rev. C. G. Boyles (of Buriton, near Petersfield, Hants), 1832.
Mrs. Osborne (of Horndean, Hants), 18,32.
The Rev. T. R. Malthus, M.A., F.R.S., etc., Professor of Political Economy at the East India College, Herts; also Mrs. Malthus, 1833. R.A. (Engraved.)
The Rev. H. G. Keene, Professor of Languages at the East India College, 1833.
The Rev. Dr. Batten, Principal of the East India College, Herts, 1833. R.A. (Engraved.)
Mrs. Batten, 1833. R.A., 1834.
The Rev. J. Jeremie, Professor at East India College, 1833.
William Empson, Esq., 1833. R.A, 1834.
Samuel Rogers, Esq. (the poet), 1834. Sold to J. Gibbons, Esq., 1846.
E. Stirling, Esq., 1834. R.A.
Mrs. Sarah Austin, 1834. (Painted for Lord Jeffrey.) RA, 1835.
Mrs. Sarah Austin (second portrait, small), 1840.
Austin. Esq., senr., 1834.
The Rev. Musgrave, 1834.
Charles Plastow, Esq., 1834.
Nasmyth, Esq.; also Mrs. Nasmyth, 1834.
The Rev. E. T. Daniel, 1835. R.A., 1836..
The Right Hon. Thomas Spring-Rice, 1835. R.A. (Engraved.)
Stokes, Esq. (of Oakover Hill, Derbyshire); also Mrs. Stokes, 1835.
Thomas Phillips, Esq., R.A., 1835 R.A.
Major Dundas, 1835.
Pelham Warren, M.D., F.R.S., 1835. R.A., 1837. Second portrait of Dr. Warren, 1835. (Engraved.)
E. W. W. Pendarves, Esq., M.P., 1835. R.A., 1836. (En-graved).
G. W. Wood, Esq., 1835.
Professor Mylne, 1835.
The Rev. John Leifchild (half-length, life-size), 1835. R.A., 1837. (Engraved.)
General the Honourable Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, G.C.B., etc.. 1835. R.A., 1836.
Major-General Sir Charles Maxwell, 1836. R.A., 1837.
Zachariah Langton, Esq., 1836. (Engraved.)
Skinner Langton, Esq., also Mrs. Skinner Langton (life-size), 1836.
The Rev. James Stratten (half-length, life.size), 1836.
Thomas Norris, Esq., F.R.A.S., (of Preston, Lancashire), 1836. (Engraved.)
Second portrait (half-length, life-size), 1837.
Edmund Pattison, Esq., 1836. R.A., 1837.
The Rev. F. Grubbe, 1836.
Mrs. Bray (of Clapham Common), 1836.
Richard Whately, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, 1837. R.A., 1838. (Engraved.)
E. W. W. Pendarves, . Esq., M.P., 1837 (second portrait, half-length, life-size). R.A., 1838.
William Russell, Esq. (son of Lord William Russell), 1837. R.A., 2838.
Tremayne, Esq. (ex-member for Cornwall), 1837.
The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P., 1837. R.A., 1838. (Engraved.)
Portrait of J. M. W. Turner, Esq., R.A. (painted 'from recollection'), June, 1838.
Writing, July, 1861. to Walter Thornbury, Esq. (who made inquiry of the artist respecting this portrait), the latter says 'The history of my portrait of Turner the Great is a very short one. I painted it from recollection at the request of a friend of his, at whose table we frequently met. I made no memorandum at the time of meeting, but painted from memory entirely the first opportunity. [The diary notes " June 29, 1838," as the date of the paint-ing] . . . I have a very careful outline of Turner's father, taken when attending his son's lecture at the Royal Academy about 1810, and a sketch of the eyes and brows, looking down, of the lecturer, both of which I will show you if you think it worth coming to R. H. for.'
Captain Leckey, also of Mrs. Leckey, 1838.
R. B. Lopez, Esq., 1838. R.A., 1839.
William Bagge, Esq, M.P., 1838. R.A., 1839.
Robert Peel, Esq. (half-length, life-size), 1838. R.A., 1839. (Engraved.)
Miss Peel (daughter of Sir Robert Peel), (life-size), 1838.
Mrs. Henslowe, 1838; Rev. E Henslowe (of Old Charlton, near Woolwich), 1839.
Farrant, Esq., 2839. Brit. Inst., 1840 (as 'the Connoisseur').
The Earl of Shelbourne, 1839. R.A., 1840.
Major Farrant, K.L.S. (and his Arabian horse), (small whole length), 1839. R.A., 1840.
Arthur Aston, Esq., Minister Plenipotentiary to Madrid (half-length), 1839.
Earl Talbot (of Ingestre, Stafford), (half-length, life-size), 1839.
The Marquess of Lansdowne, KG., 1840. R.A.
John Claudius Loudon (life-size), 1840. Purchased 1877 'for the Linnean Society.'
Miss Bingham, 1840. R.A., 1841.
Dr. Otter, Bishop of Chichester, 1840. R.A., 1841. (Engraved.)
Sir Alexander Duff Gordon, also Lady Duff Gordon (both small), 1840.
Mrs. de Bertodano Lopez (whole length, small), 1840. R.A., 1841.
George Strutt, Esq. (of Belper), 1840.
Joseph Strutt, Esq. (of Derby), 1840. R.A., 1841. (Engraved.)
Sir Erskine Perry, 1841.
Portrait Group of General Le Mesurier, his Wife and Son, 1842.
Thomas Baring, Esq., 1841.
Mrs. Labouchere, 1842.
Walker, Esq. (Surgeon at St. George's) (small), 1841.
Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. (small, whole length), 1842. R.A., 1842.
Lord Grey's three grandchildren -- Miss Georgina Bulteel, Miss May Bulteel, and Miss May Barrington (daughter of Lady Caroline Barrington) -- (small), 1842.
Richard Bagge, Esq. (twin brother of William Bagge, Esq., M.P. for Norfolk), 1841.
The Right Hon. Francis Baring, M.P. (half-length, life-size), 1842. R.A.
Lady Baring (small, whole-length), 1842. R.A.
William Coningham, Esq. (half-length, life-size), 1842. R.A.
Mrs. William Coningham (half-figure), 1842. R.A., 1843.
Mrs. de Bertodano Lopez and Son (small, whole-lengths), 1842. R.A., 1843.
Stewart Marjoribanks, Esq., M.P., 1842. R.A., 1843. Portraits (in group) of the three eldest children of Robert Clutter-buck, Esq., 1842. R.A., 1843.
Thomas Carlyle, Esq., 1843-4. R.A., 1844.
John Mosely, Esq. (of Suffolk), (half-length, life-size), 1843.
The Earl of Ilchester, 1843. R.A., 1845.
Mrs. Coningham (small, whole-length), 1843. R.A., 1844.
James Pattison, Esq., M.P., 1844. R.A.
Lord Methuen, 1844. R.A., 1845. Also Lady Methuen, 1844.
R. B. Lopez, Esq. (half-length, life-size), 1844. R.A., 1845.
Lady Beauchamp, 1845. R.A.
Lord Methuen (second portrait, in peer's robes), 1845.
Tremayne, Esq., junior, 1845.
Mrs. Pendarves (half-length, life-size), 1845. R.A., 1846.
Henry Colman, Esq. (of Boston, U S.), 1845-46. R.A., 1846.
Alexander M. Sutherland, Esq. (son of Sir James Sutherland), 1846. R.A.
Lady Sutherland, 1846.
Stewart Marjoribanks, Esq., M.P. (whole-length, life-size), 1846. Painted for the Members of the Watford Masonic Lodge.
Fonnereau, Esq., also Mrs. Fonnereau (both half-length, life-size), 1846.
Mrs. Gibbons -- 'The Morning Walk' -- (three-quarter figure), 1847. R.A., 1847.
Dr. Meryon, 1850 (painted for J. Gibbons, Esq.). R.A.
The Rev. Peirson, 1850 (painted for J. Gibbons, Esq.).
Carter, Esq. (solicitor to the Great Northern Railway), 1850 (painted for J. Gibbons, Esq.).
Miniatures on Ivory (in Water Colours) from the Life (Selected List)
Mrs. Linnell (wife of the artist), 1828-20. (His first miniature upon ivory.)
Lady Elizabeth Belgrave (daughter of the Marchioness of Stafford), 1820.
Second portrait of the same (in profile), 1820.
Lord Belgrave, 1820.
Lord Francis Leveson Cower, 1820.
Viscount Ebrington, also Vicountess Ebrington, 1820-21.
The Hon. Mrs. Leslie Cumming, 1820.
Lady Frederica Stanhope (daughter of Lord Mansfield), 1820.
Sir Roger Gresley, 1820.
Lady Sophia Coventry, 1820.
H.R.H. The Princess Sophia Matilda (sister of George IV.), (an oval for the pocket), 1821.
Second miniature, larger, showing another view of the face, 1821.
The Hon. H. G. Bennett, M P., 1822.
Lady Elizabeth (daughter of Lord Mansfield), 1823.
Vernon Smith, Esq. (nephew of the Countess of Warwick), also Mrs. Vernon Smith, 1823.
Miss Beresford (daughter of Lady Anna Beresford), also Lady Anna Beresford, 1823.
'The Favourite, a group, with portraits of the Artist's children,' 1823-24. R.A., 1825.
Miss Otway, and Miss Georgiana Otway, 1823.
Inglefield, Esq. (son of Sir Harry Inglefield), 1824.
Mrs. Barclay, 1824.
George Rennie, Esq., Miss A. Rennie, and Miss E. Rennie, 1824.
Captain Boger, 1824.
Colonel Moore, 1826.
Captain Englefield, also Mrs. Englefield, 1826.
Miss Sophia Pocock (daughter of Sir George Pocock), 1826.
Portrait of William Blake (unfinished). This is the one engraved for Gilehrist's Life.
Sir George Pocock, Bart. (of Twickenham), 1827-28. R.A., 1832.
Miss Otway, 1827.
Mrs. Goring, 1827.
Miss Torrens, 1827.
Henry Torrens, Esq. (eldest son of Sir Henry Torrens), 1828.
Sir Jeremiah Dixon, 1828.
Miss Jackson (Mrs. Rennie), 1828.
George Stephen, Esq., 1829.
Mrs. (Captain) Stephen, 1829.
Frederick Torrens, Esq., 1829
Captain Torrens, 1831.
George Pocock, Esq., also Mrs. Pocock, 1832.
Miss Laura Coventry (sister to Mrs. Pocock), 1832.
Captain Eyres, 1831.
Miss Rushbrook, 1832.
Miss Illingworth, 1832.
Portraits from the Life: Drawings in Water-colours, Chalks, etc. (Selected List)
The Rev. J. M. Bletsoe, 1814. (Engraved.)
Mrs. Kilpin (of Kingsclere), 1815.
Thomas Chevalier, F.R.S., F.S.A., etc., 1817. (Engraved.)
The Rev. Rowland Hill, 1817. (Engraved for a new edition of the 'Village Dialogues.')
Portrait-group, Philip Thomas Wykham, Esq., and Mrs. Wykham (of Tythrop House, Thame -- small, whole-lengths), 1817.
J. Cochran, senior, and Mrs. Cochran, senior (of Glasgow), 1817. Mrs. Cochran senior's mother, aged 90 (drawn at Kilbarchin, near Paisley), October, 1817.
Portrait (sketch) of Dr. Chalmers, November, 1817.
Portrait-group of Mrs. Harris and two children (for the Hon. and Rev. A. Harris), 1818.
Dr. Jenkins (Baptist minister at Walworth), 1818.
The Rev. Thomas Allies (of Southampton), 1819.
Wilson Lowry, F.R.S., etc., 1820. (Engraved by Linnell and Blake.)
Lady Denbigh, 1822.
Mrs. Hay and child; also Captain Hay, 1823.
Captain Craigie's son (small, whole-length), 1824.
Hugh Sandeman, Esq. (in Highland garb -- small, whole-length), 1824.
Second portrait (small, whole-length -- in ordinary dress), 1824.
Thomas Sandeman, Esq., 1824.
Hennessey, Esq., 1824.
Mrs. Birkbeck, -- Birkbeck, Esq. (of Leyton), Miss Gurney, and Mrs. Gurney (all executed at Leyton), 1824.
Miss Kingscote, Miss C. Kingscote, Miss Fanny Sheppard, and Mrs. Wedgewood (all executed at Kingscote), 1825.
Mrs. Dumaresq (whole-length), 1828.
Master Charles Collins (son of William Collins, R.A.), 1830.
Miss Johnstone (for the Earl of Essex), 1832.
Miss Stephens (the singer), 1831. Old Masters, 1883.
Miss Flint (of Canterbury), 1832.
Thomas Flint, Esq. (of Margate); also Mrs. T. Flint, 5833.
Abraham Flint, Esq. (of Canterbury), 1833.
Francis Flint, Esq. (of Stroud), 1833.
Mrs. Daniel (mother of Rev. F. T. Daniel), 1835. (Engraved.)
Chambers Hall, Esq. (four portraits), 1835.
Portrait of a child -- 'Sally' (small, whole-length), 1835. R.A. (Sold to C. Hall, Esq.)
Portrait of a child -- 'Polly' (small, whole-length), 1835. R.A.
Lady Frances Harley (small, whole.length), 2835. R.A.
Rev. G. Marsh (engraved); also Mrs. G. Marsh (two portraits), 1835.
Mrs. Marsh, 1835.
Alexander Bailey, Esq., 1835.
Rev. E. T. Daniel (for C. Hall, Esq.), 1835.
Miss Wildman (small, whole-length), 1836. R.A.
Portrait-group of Mrs. Wildman and boy, 1836. R.A.
Albin Martin, Esq. (for C. Hall, Esq.), 1836.
Miss Wilton (whole-length), 1836.
Portrait-group -- Miss Grubb, with brother and sister (small, whole-lengths), 1836. R.A., 1838.
Sydenham Malthus, Esq.
Mrs. Smith (late Miss Batten); also Miss Charlotte Batten, 1836.
Major Williams, 1836.
Mrs. Harry Martin (whole-length), 1837.
The Rev. W. F. Groves (of Zeals, Dorset, whole-length), 1837.
Reginald Bray, Esq., and Mrs. Bray, 1838.
Major Beamish, 1838. (Engraved.)
Lady Mary Fitzmaurice (infant daughter of the Countess of Kerry, small, whole-length, with dog), 1838. R.A., 1839.
The Rev. Harry Martin (whole-length), 1838.
Mrs. Alexander Trotter, 1838.
The Rev. J. P. Blencowe, 1838. (Engraved.)
The infant daughter of Le Comte de Pollon, 1838.
Dr. Crotch, 1839. R.A.
The Countess of Mount Edgecombe (whole-length, for Lord Shelborne), 1838. R.A., 1840.
Patrick Talbot, Esq. (for Lord Talbot), 1839.
The Hon. and Rev. Arthur Talbot (whole-length), 1839.
Mrs. Talbot (whole-length), 1839.
Lord Ingestre (whole-length), 1839.
Portrait-group of Mrs. W. S. Fry and children (small, whole-lengths), 1840. R.A., 1841.
The Rev. F. Fowler, 1840.
Lady Perry, 1841.
Lady Heywood, 1841.
Master Heywood (son of Sir B. Heywood, small, whole-length), 1842.
Master E. Heywood (small, whole-length), 1842.
Portraits (in group) of Lady Mary Lambton and Lady Emily Lambton (daughters of Earl Grey), 1841.
Grundy, Esq. (of Manchester, whole-length), 1842.
Portrait-group -- the two children of Jonathan Peel, Esq., 1843.
Dr. Stanley (Bishop of Norwich), 1843. R.A., 1844.
General B. Espartero, 1843. (Engraved.)
The Duchess of Victoria (wife of the above), 1843.
Lady Beauchamp, 1843.
C. Kerr, Esq., 1844.
R. B. Lopez, Esq.; also Miss Lopez, 1844.
Lady Kerry, 1844.
Miss Methuen, 1844.
F. Tollemache, Esq., 1844.
Rev. Bury (of the Isle of Wight), 1844.
Henry Colman, Esq. (of Boston, U.S.), 1845.
Dr. Mackenzie, 1845.
Master Ormsby (of Brighton -- whole-length), 1846.
Methuen, Esq. (eldest son of Lord Methuen), 1846.
Master Lopez (whole-length), 1846.
Miss Mitford, 1846.
Samuel Bagster, senior (drawn at Windsor), May, 1849.
Oil Paintings: Landscapes and Subject-Pictures
'A Study from Nature' (10 by 12 inches), 1807. Exhibited at the Royal Academy the same year.
'A View near Reading,' 1807. R.A.
'Fishermen -- A Scene from Nature' (panel, 14 by 20 inches), 1807. Brit. Inst., 1808.
'Fishermen' (30 by 36 inches), 1808, R.A. Painted for Mr. Ridley Colborne.
'Removing Timber -- Autumn' (36 by 34 inches), 1808. Brit. Inst., 1809, gained the prize of 50 guineas offered in 1808 by the Institution for the best landscape painted that year. The principal figure is a portrait of the father of W. Mulready, R.A. Exhibited at the Old Masters, 1883.
'Landscape -- Morning,' 1809. R.A.
'A Cottage Door' (about 18 by 14 inches), 1809. Brit. Inst, 1810.
'View of the Beach, Hastings,' 1809. Brit. Inst., 1810.
'Fishermen Waiting for the Return of the Ferry-boat [Fishing--boat?] Hastings' (upright panel, 12 by 8 inches), 1810. R.A. Brit. Inst., 1811. Purchased by the Earl of Camden at the Brit. Inst.
'A Scene on the Bank of the Thames' (28 by 36 inches), 1810. Brit. Inst., 1811.
'Fishing-boats -- A Scene from Nature'(panel, 20 by 24 inches), 1810. Brit. Inst, 1811.
'The Quoit Players'(panel, 32 by 41 inches), 1810. Brit. Inst., 1811. Purchased at the exhibition by Sir Thomas Baring. Bought at the sale of the latter's collection (1848) by Creswick, the dealer, for 230 guineas, and subsequently sold to George Simpson, Esq., for 1,000 guineas. Old Masters, 1883.
'The Ducking -- A Scene from Nature,' 1811. R.A.
'A Scene on the Coast near Dover' (16 by 18 inches), 1811. Brit. Inst, 1812. Spring Gardens, 1816.
'A View on the Thames' (16 by 18 inches), 1811. Brit. Inst., 1812. Spring Gardens, 1816.
'Fishing Houses' (small), 1811..
'The Dairy -- Morning' (33 by 31 inches), 1811. Brit. Inst., 1812.
'Washerwomen's Cottages, Bayswater, in 1811' (18 by 24 inches). Retouched and worked all over, 1871, for Mr. White.
'View from Window, Edgware Road,' 1812. Retouched, 1865.
'The Gravel-Pits' (25 by 39 inches), 1812. Brit. Inst., 1813. Sold at the Liverpool exhibition (1813) for 45 guineas. Purchased (1847) by Creswick for £220.
Replica, with additions (25 by 39 inches), 1857. Old Masters, 1883. Lent by Ralph Brocklebank, Esq.
Replica, finished sketch (panel, 12 by 19 inches).
*'The Bird Catcher -- A Scene from Nature.' Also known as 'Bayswater in 1814' (37 by 51 inches), 1813. Retouched, with additions, in 1859. Brit. Inst., 1814. Old Masters 1883. Sold at Christie's, 1891, for 750 guineas.
*'Evening-view in Wales'(24 by 36 inches), 1813. Sold to Mr. Chance. Retouched, 1860.
'Midday, Wales,' 1813. Spring Gardens, 1815.
'Morning' (small), 1813. Spring Gardens, 1815.
'Fishing-boats, Hastings' (small), 1814. Painted for Mr. S. Woodburn.
*'Fishing-boats, Hastings' (upright panel, 9 by 6 inches), 1815.
*'Windmill'(small), 1814.
'The Fair upon the Thames when frozen over in January, 1814' (small), 1814. Sold to General Maitland.
'Coast Subject, Fishing-boats' (small), 1814. For Mr. S. Woodburn.
*'Barges on the Thames,' 1815.
*'Afternoon -- Going to Milk' (5 by 6 inches), 1814.
'Milking,' 1814-15. Spring Gardens. 1814.
*' Snowdon from Dolwydellan' (evening), 1814.
'Distant View of Snowdon,' 1816. Brit. Inst.
'Pike Pool, Derbyshire' (panel), 1815. Painted for Mr. S. Bagster to illustrate the 'Complete Angler.' Retouched, 1871.
*'A View in Dovedale, Derbyshire' (panel, 7 by 12 inches), 1815. Old Masters, 1883. Lent by A. T. Hollingsworth, Esq.
A second picture with this title was painted in 1815.
*'Crossing the River Ford -- North Wales' (morning), 1814. Retouched (1871) for Mr. Dixon of Wolverhampton.
*'A Fine Evening after Rain -- A Scene in Wales' (panel, 17 by 26 inches), 1815. Bought by Mr. Tomkinson.
'Shepherds' Amusement' (40 by 50 inches), 1815. Spring Gardens, 1816. Retouched and exhibited at the Brit. Inst. in 1836 as 'Evening.' Sold to Mr. R. Thomas in 1846; afterwards bought by Mr. Gibbons for 250 guineas.
*'The Haymakers' Repast -- A Scene in Wales,' 1825. Retouched in 1850.
*'Fishing-boats'(or 'Shipping'), 1816.
'Hanson Toot, View in Dovedale, Derbyshire' (36 by 48 inches), 1815. Spring Gardens, 1816. Retouched in 1854, also in 1870, for Mr. Dixon, of Wolverhampton. Christie's, 1873.
*Evening,' 1816.
'View on the River Kennet' (near Newbury), 1815. Spring Gardens, 1816. Brit. Inst., 1826. Sold to Mr. Blackie, 1831. Retouched, 1868.
*'A View near Steep Hill, Isle of Wight' (small), 1816. Sold to Mr. Vines.
Replica, 1816, for Mr. Thos. Landseer, senr.
*'A Potato Field' (view in the Isle of Wight), (small), 1816. Sold to Mr. A. Robertson.
Replica (panel, 10 by 13 inches), 1829. Brit. Inst., 1830. Sold to Mr. Thomas, 1846. Old Masters, 1883. James Orrock, Esq.
'Forest Scene, with Bark Renders' (panel, 8 by 6 inches), 1816. Old Masters, 1883. Hubert Martineau, Esq.
*'Near Windsor Forest' (millboard, 7 by 10 inches), 1816.
Replica, with variation (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1834. Brit. Inst., 1835. Purchased at the exhibition by Mr. Vernon. Now in the National Gallery.
'A Fall of Timber' (or 'Falling Timber'), (40 by 50 inches), 1816Spring Gardens, 1817. In the summer exhibition of the Brit. Inst., 1825, being 'Pictures by Living Artists of the English School.' Title in catalogue 'Woodcutters -- A Scene in Windsor Forest.' Purchased in 1817 by J. Alnutt, Esq., of Clapham (for 50 guineas), who sold it through Mr. Colls to Mr. Gibbons for £250 (1846).
Replica (with variations -- 'sketchy' -- 30 by 43 inches). Sold to Mr. Thomas, 1846; Christie's, 1848, for 200 guineas, and again to Mr. Birch, of Birmingham, for 300 guineas. Old Masters, 1883, as 'Meat in the Wood.'
*'A View near Shanklin, Isle of Wight,' 1817. Bought in exhibition by Mr. Vines.
'A Study of Trees' (near Thame), (18 by 25 inches), 1817. Retouched in 1868. Old Masters, 1883. (Henry A. Brassey, Esq.)
*'A View at Niton,' 1817.
*'Mid-day' -- sheep lying under tree (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1818. (Engraved.)
Replica (enlarged). Finished 1847. Sold to Mr. Gibbons.
*'Dairy -- Morning' (small upright), 1818. Spring Gardens, 1819.
*'Isle of Wight by Moonlight' (panel, 8 by 12 inches), 1818. (Companion to Steep Hill, Isle of Wight.) Painted for Mr. Vines.
*'John Preaching in the Wilderness,' 1818 (38 by 53 inches). Spring Gardens, 1818. Retouched and finished 1838, and exhibited at Brit. Inst., 1839. Purchased at the private view by Sir Thos. Baring for 150 guineas. Exchanged by Sir Thos. Baring, 1841, for the picture of 'Flight into Egypt'in Brit. Inst., 1841. International Exhibition, 1862. Old Masters, 1883. (Mrs. Grove.)
*'Evening' (small), 1818-19. Spring Gardens, 1819.
'Sheep' (small), 1818. To Mr. Holmes in exchange.
*'View near Windsor Forest,' 1819. Brit. Inst., 1826.
*'Twilight' (small, upright), 1819.
*'Windmill' 1819. Sold to T. M. Belisario, Esq.
Replica (with variations), 1830. Brit. Inst., 1831.
*'Evening, Bayswater,' 1818. Sold to Mr. Vines.
[Replica ?]. Sold to Mr. Belisario for £16. Retouched 1856. Sold at Foster's in 1857 for 500 guineas.
'Barges' (on the Thames), (small, upright), 1819. Companion to 'Fishing-Boats,' 1815. Painted for Mr. White, engraver.
*'Evening -- Storm Clearing Off,' 1819. To Mr. Hall, of Southampton, in exchange for the picture of 'Itchen Ferry' painted for him. In 1846 in the possession of Mr. Gibbons.
*'East Window of Netley Abbey,' 1819 (painted on the spot), (39 by 49 inches). Spring Gardens, 1820. Old Masters, 1883. In the possession of the family.
*'Windsor Forest -- A Forest Scene,' 1818. Sold to Mr. Robson for 85 guineas.
'Windsor Forest' (Children Picking Flowers), 1819. Sold to Mr. S. Woodburn for £30.
'View of Southampton' (18 by 35 inches), 1819. Painted at Southampton.
'Fine Evening after Rain' (North Wales). See 1815.
A Replica (varied) of this subject for Mr. Tomkinson, in exchange for a 42 guinea pianoforte, 1820.
Second Replica, smaller, for Mr. J. Harman, Governor of the Bank of England, 1820. (30 guineas.)
Third Replica (14 by 23 inches) for Mr. Pepper, 30 guineas (1820).
Fourth Replica sold at the Edinburgh Exhibition for 35 guineas (1822).
Fifth Replica, 1829, sold at the Manchester Exhibition in 1829 for 50 guineas.
Sixth Replica (panel, 15 by 23 inches), 1836. Sold to Mr. Thomas, 1846, for 50 guineas. Old Masters, 1883. Sold at the Price Sale (Christie's), April, 1892, for 1,000 guineas.
Replica (sketch in oil, 7 by 12 inches). In the possession of the Linnell family. Old Masters, 1883.
*'Woodcutters' Repast' (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1820. In the summer exhibition of the Brit. Inst., 1825. Brit. Inst., 1827. Sold to the Hon. A. Ellis for 35 guineas.
Replica, 1826 (panel, 9 by 15 inches). Purchased by Mr. Web-ster, R.A., 1846, for 40 guineas. Old Masters, 1883. Now in the possession of Jas. Orrock, Esq.
Replica, 1830.
'Kingsey Village, Buckinghamshire,' 1821-2. R.A., 1822. 'A Village Scene,' Brit. Inst., 1827, when purchased by Sir Geo. Crew, of Calke Abbey, Derbyshire, for 100 guineas.
Replica (small), 'Kingsey Village' (7 by 10 inches).
Replica (varied), 'View near Kingsey, Bucks.' Brit. Inst., 1834.
*'The Young Gleaner' (panel, 7 by 5 inches), 1820. Brit. Inst., 1827. Sold to Mr. James Brown in 1829.
*'The Windmill' (42 by 48 inches), 1821. R.A. ('Landscape'). Brit. Inst., 1824 ('Windmill'). Old Masters, 1883. [The descriptin agrees exactly, but the size given is different -- 35 by 42 inches.] Sold to Thomas, 1846, for £100. Sold by Foster, 1856, for 500 guineas; at Christie's in 1891 for £800.
'The Radish-Stall by Candlelight' (small), 1822. R.A. Brit. Inst., 1827, where purchased by Lord Ellenhorough.
Replica (smaller). Sold to Mr. Webster.
'Windsor Forest' (small), 1822.
'Moonlight '. (Moonrise), (24 by 24 inches), 1822. R.A. Brit. Inst., 1823. Retouched 1868.
'The Anglers -- sunset' (18 by 23 inches), 1822. Sold at Christie's in 1890 for 145 guineas.
'Southampton from the River near Netley Abbey' (14 by 36 inches), 1824-5. Painted for Mr. Hall, of Southampton.
'Itchin Ferry'(1825), (14 by 36 inches). Brit. Inst., 1828.
'Isle of Wight from Lymington Quay' (11 by 15 inches), 1825. Sold to Mr. E. T. Daniel for 30 guineas. Sold at Christie's in 1883 for £409 10s.
Replica (panel, 15 by 18 inches), 1826. Brit. Inst., 1829. Sold to Mr. John Morris for 35 guineas.
'Mid-day' ('Sheep Reposing'), (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1826. Brit Inst., 1827.
'View at Southampton' (panel, 8 by 10 inches), 1825. Brit. Inst., 1826. Sold to Sir J. Leicester for 25 guineas.
Replica, 1830.
Replica, drawing in water-colour, 1863.
'Hampstead'(panel, 6 by 9 inches). Old Masters, 1883. Lent by Linnell family.
'A View near Hampstead' (with donkey), 1826 (pane], 8 by 10 inches), Brit. Inst., 1827.
'Hampstead, North End' (panel, 7 by 9 inches). Old Masters. 1883. Linnell family.
'Evening, the Vicinity of a Farm,' 1827. (Hampstead.) R.A. Sold to Thomas, 1846. Afterwards sold for £70.
'A Sandy Road' (36 by 42 inches), 1828-9. R.A., 1829. Brit. Inst., 1830. Retouched all over 1839; again in 1847 for Mr. Gillott.
'A Village near a River, Showery Weather' (panel), 1828. Brit. Inst., 1829, where purchased by Mr. Turner, of Clapham, for 65 guineas.
Replica, 1830 (rather larger.)
'A Study from Nature' (millboard, 6 by 8 inches), 1828. A bank and pond on Hampstead Heath. Brit. Inst., 1829.
Replica (panel, 8 by 10 inches), 1831. Brit. Inst., 1832. Sold to Mr. Plestow.
'Mercury and Argus' (panel, 14 by 12 inches), 1828. Water-colour finished in oil. Brit. Inst., 1829. Retouched 1859, and again in 1876. At one time in the possession of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P.
'Interior of a Welsh Cottage' (panel, 15 by 16 inches), 1828. Brit. Inst., 1829. Sold to Lord Selsey for 30 guineas.
'Christ and the Woman of Samaria,' or 'Jacob's Well' (panel, 10 by 8 inches), 1828. Brit. Inst., 1829. Old Masters, 1883, Linnell family.
'Milking' (small upright panel), 1828. Brit. Inst., 1829. Given to Mr. Mulready.
Replica (larger -- 16 by 21 inches), 1830. Brit. Inst., 1831. Sold to Mr. Thomas, 1846, and by him to J. Gibbons, Esq., for- 100 guineas. Sold at Christie's, 1883 ('Milking Time') for £320.
'The Dairy Farm' -- a Welsh Farm-Yard (panel, 20 by 30 inches), 1828-9. Brit. Inst., 1830. Purchased, 1843, by B. Lopez, Esq. Sold at Phillips's in 1848 for £194.
Sketch (first) of this [1827] (niillboard on panel, 10 by 14 inches), finished 1847, and sold for 125 guineas. Sold at Christie's (Eden collection), for 600 guineas.
Fishermen, A View near Twickenham' (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1829. Brit. Inst., 1830. Sold to Mr. Norris. Old Masters, 1883. Sold at Christie's, 1892, for 220 guineas.
'A Heath Scene,' North End, Hampstead (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1829. Brit. Inst., 1830. Sold to the Earl of Essex. 35 guineas.
Replica, 1830.
'Sheepfold, Evening' (panel, 10 by 12 inches), 1829. Brit. Inst, 1830.
'The Farmer's Boy' (panel, 24 by 18 inches), 1829-30. R.A., 1830. Given to Mr. Daniel. Old Masters, 1883.
Replica (small), 1830.
'The Wild-Flower Gatherers' (8 by 10 inches), 1830. Brit. Inst., 1831. Purchased by J. Sheepshanks, Esq., and now at South Kensington.
'The Cow-Yard' (panel), 1831. Brit. Inst., 1832. In the Sheepshanks Collection, South Kensington.
'Landscape, Morning' -- (A Boy Minding Sheep), 1831. Painted from a sketch made in Porchester Terrace in 1830. Brit. Inst., 1832. Sold to Mr. Daniel for 50 guineas; at Phillips's (1848) for £84.
'Unlading Boats' (small), 1832. Brit. Inst. 1833.
'Fish-Market, Hastings,' 1833 or 1834. R.A., 1834; Brit. Inst., 1835. Sold at Phillips's (1848) for £136 10s.
'The Sand-Pit, Hampstead Heath' (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1834. Brit. Inst., 1835. Art Treasures, Manchester. Sold (1849) to Mr. Bayley (Yorkshire) for 90 guineas. Old Masters, 1883.
'Christ's Appearance to the Two Disciples journeying to Emmaus' (panel 22 by 30 inches), 1834-5. R.A., 1835 ; Brit. Inst., 1836. Sold in 1838 to the Art Union for 60 guineas, and engraved for the Society by the artist.
'Windsor Forest' (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1834. Brit. Inst., 1835. Purchased then by Mr. Vernon for 30 guineas. Now at South Kensington.
Replica (larger), 1837, R.A. Brit. Inst., 1838. To Mr. Thomas, 1846.
'The Fruit-Stall' (panel, 12 by 10 inches), 1834-5. Brit. Inst., 1835. Art Treasures, Manchester. Purchased by Sir Thomas Baring for 50 guineas. Old Masters.
'Fishing-Boats' (panel, 9 by 15 inches), 1835. Brit. Inst., 1836. To Mr. Thomas, 1846.
'The Hollow Tree'(or 'The Nest') 1836. From an oil study at Bayswater, 1834. R.A., 1836. Brit. Inst., 1837.
Replica, 'Nest' (small, millboard on panel, 10 by 14 inches), 1859. Old Masters.
Replica, 'Nest' (kitcat), 1860.
'Jeanie Deans and Madge Wildfire in the Churchyard'(small), 1836. Painted for Messrs. Fisher and Son, Caxton Press, to be engraved for a new edition of Scott's works.
'View near Thame' (panel, 12 by 15 inches), 1836. Bought from Mr. Thomas by Mr. Gillott, and retouched for him, 1847.
'View of Southampton' (by Moonlight), 1836. R.A., 1837. To Mr. Thomas, 1846.
'Noon' (29 by 38 inches), 1839. Brit. Inst. 1840. To Mr. Thomas, 1846. Old Masters.
'Hampstead' (panel). Painted on the spot in 1827; finished at home about 1839. To Mr. Thomas (1846), and by him to Mr. Gillott. ('Gipsies' in Brit. Inst., 1840.)
'Philip baptizing the Eunuch' (39 by 54 inches), 1840. RA. Sir Thomas Baring, 150 guineas. Subsequently bought by Mr. Rutherford for £500.
'The Watering-Place' (24 by 30 inches), 1840. Brit. Inst., 1841. To Mr. Lopez, 1843. Retouched 1857.
'The Flight into Egypt' (38 by 54 inches), 1840-41. Brit. Inst., 1841. Exchanged with Sir T. Baring for 'St. John Preach-ing.' Old Masters. Lent by C. W. F. Fryer, Esq.
'The Cottage Door,' or 'Winding the Skein' (33 by 57 inches), 1841. R.A. Brit. Inst., 1842. Mr. Thomas, 1846.
Replica (small), 1848.
Replica (panel, 10 by 14 inches), 1860. To Mr. Fallows, Man-chester. In the Old Masters (1883) as 'Winding the Skein.' (George Gurney, Esq.)
'A Forest Scene from Nature' (three-quarter canvas), 1842-3. Brit. Inst, 1843. To Mr. Thomas, 1846; by him to Mr. Gibbons, 1847.
'The Supper at Emmaus' (canvas), 1842-3. R.A., 1843; Brit. Inst., 1844. To Mr. Thomas, 1846. Purchased by Mr. Gillott for £500. Retouched for him.
'Windmill' -- A Landscape with Cows in Water (17 by 21 inches), 1844. Brit. Inst., 1845. Bought then by R. Vernon, Esq., for 50 guineas. Now in the Vernon Collection at the National Gallery.
Replica (varied), being the sketch for the above, finished for Mr. Wethered in 1848 for 150 guineas (canvas, 17 by 21 inches.)
'River Scene -- Boy Fishing' (panel, 12 by 15 inches), 1846. Old Masters.
'A Wood Scene' -- Woodcutters and children gathering chips (canvas, kitcat), 1844. Brit. Inst., 1845. Sold to Mr. Brown, of Chester, for 125 guineas (he having a prize of £80 in the Art Union).
Spring Wood Scene' (26 by 38 inches), 1845-6. Brit. Inst., 1846. Retouched 1848. To Mr. Birch, of Birmingham (1850), with the sketch of 'Philip,' for 350 guineas. At the Old Masters as 'The Fallen Monarch.' (J. B. Dug-dale, Esq.)
'Abraham entertaineth Three Angels' (panel, 11 by 17 inches), 1845-6. Brit. Inst., 1846. To Mr. Cocksholt, holder of Art Union prize of £80. Old Masters. (The late David Price, Esq.)
'The Young Brood' -- Chickens (panel, 21 by 27 inches), 1846. Sold (1846) to J. Hogarth, to be engraved in the Finden Gallery (200 guineas).
'Mountain Road, N. Wales' (canvas, 17 by 25 inches), 1846.
An early picture, 'Travellers in Wales,' 1814. Repainted all over, and altered 1846, and named 'A Mountain Road.' Brit. Inst., 1847. Sold to Mr. Gillott.
'A Dell' (panel, 10 by 12 inches), 1846-7. Brit. Inst., 1847. Mr. Dillon, of Croydon, 1854.
'The Mill' (panel, 18 by 21 inches), 1846-7. R.A, 1847. Finished for Mr. Gibbons.
'Mid-day -- " While nature lies around deep-lulled in noon" ' (Thomson), 1847. R.A. To Mr. Gibbons.
'A Hillside farm ' (16 by 23 inches), 1847. Finished for Mr. Gillott. Brit. Inst., 1848. Sold at Christie's in 1881 for £950. Old Masters as 'Harvesting.' (P. Thwaites, Esq.)
'The Last Gleam before the Storm' (canvas, 35 by 50 inches), 1847-8. Brit. Inst, 1848. To Mr. Gillott, 1848; subse-quently to Mr. Eden, of Lytham. Retouched 1863. Sold at Mr. Eden's sale (1874) for 2,500 guineas. Old Masters. (Henry Mason, Esq.)
Replica (sketch, varied), 1848.
'The Eve of the Deluge' (canvas, 59 by 88 inches), 1847-8. R.A., 1848. To Mr. Gillott. Sold at his sale (1872) for £1,099. Old Masters. (Angus Holden, Esq., M.P.)
Sketch of this subject (1850) for Mr. Gillott. Retouched 1858. Replica (second sketch, varied), showing the disc of the sun (panel, 25 by 34 inches), 1858. Sold at Christie's in 1881 for £399.
Replica (sketch, panel, 11 by 15 inches). Old Masters. (The Linnell Family.)
'The Return of Ulysses' (canvas, 48 by 72 inches), 1848. R.A., 1849; Manchester Art Treasure Exhibition, 1857. Painted for Mr. Gillott. Sold at Christie's, 1887, for £1,470. Old Masters. (John Graham, Esq.)
'Fishermen -- Evening' (kitcat), 1848. Also known as the 'Fishing Party.' Painted for Mr. Gillott.
Replica. 'Sketch of Fishing Party,' 1848.
'A Summer Evening: Regent's Park' (canvas, 15 by 23 inches), 1848. Brit. Inst., 1849. Old Masters. (Richard News-ham, Esq.)
'The Flight into Egypt' (38 by 53 inches), 1848. Brit. Inst., 1849. Bought by Gillott, the same year, for 300 guineas. Retouched and in part altered, 1867. Sold at Christie's, 1890, for 1,079 guineas.
'Watering Cows' (small), 1848. Painted for Mr. Wethered.
'Sleeping Disciples' (Gethsemane), 1848-9 (canvas, kitcat). Sold to Mr. Gillott for £210, 1849 ; afterwards bought by Mr. Naylor, of Liverpool, for £700
'A Country Road' (canvas, kitcat), 2849. Painted for Mr. Gillott for £210.
Replica. Sketch, 1849.
'Sand Pits' (canvas, 38 by 50 inches), 1849. R.A.; International Exhibition, 1862. Painted for Mr. Gillott for 300 guineas.
'Hoppers -- Evening' (small), 1849. To Mr. Gillott.
'Evening' (Farm), 1849 (small). To Mr. Gillott.
'Clearing Up.' Also known as 'The Clear-up Shower' (small), 1849. To Mr. Gillott.
'The Hillside Farm' (Upland Farm), Isle of Wight, 1849 (canvas, half length). Painted for Mr. Gillott for 300 guineas. Retouched for Messrs. Agnew and Son in 1859. Sold with the Mendell Collection for £2,300; again (1891), with the Bolckow Collection, for 2,000 guineas. Samuel Montagu, Esq., M.P., is its present possessor.
Sketch of this Subject, varied.
'L'Allegro' -- Dancing in the chequered shade (panel, 17 by 24 inches), 1849. Old Masters. (Richard Newsham, Esq.)
'Gravel Diggers' -- Gravel-Pits (canvas, kitcat), 1849. Painted for Mr. Gillott.
Sketch (small) of a similar subject.
'Crossing the Brook' (canvas, half length), 1849. Sold to Mr. Gillott for 200 guineas. R.A., 1850; Art Treasures Exhi-bition, Manchester, 1857.
Replica. Sketch, varied.
Also Replica (kitcat). Sold to Mr. Huth.
'Hampstead Heath,' a Sunset with fir trees (panel, 18 by 24 inches), 1849.
'The Purchased Flock' (panel, 18 by 24 inches), 1849. Painted for Mr. Miller. Brit. Inst., 1850.
'Opening the Gate: Hampstead Heath' (canvas, 27 by 35 inches), 1850. Brit. Inst. Sold to Mr. Fordham. Pur-chased at Christie's in 1874, by the late Mr. David Price, for £1,000. Old Masters. Sold at Christie's (Price Col.), April, 1892, for £798.
Replica, the study for this subject, finished 1858 (panel, 16 by 29 inches).
'Woodcutters' (kitcat), 1849-50. Sold to Mr. Gillott. Same as 'Chips.' Brit. Inst., 1851.
'Harvest' (canvas, kitcat), 1850. Sold to Mr. Gillott for 200 guineas. Retouched in 1854.
'Christ and the Woman of Samaria' at Jacob's Well (canvas, 38 by 56 inches), 1850. R.A. Painted for Mr. Holmes, of Birmingham, as a companion to 'Philip Baptizing the Eunuch.'
Replica (first study, in water-colour, about 1840, 40 by 50 inches; finished in oil, 1866). Sold to Mr. Bowring, 1866, for £1,000. Sold at Christie's, in 1887, for £598.
'Heath Scene, Evening' (canvas, 48 by 72 inches), 1850. For Mr. Gillott (300 guineas). This was the 'Hampstead Heath' of Mr. Gillott's Collection sold at Christie's, in 1872, for 1,660 guineas; again, in 1888, for £1,585.
'Woodlands' (canvas, 40 by 50 inches), 1850. Painted for Mr. Pennell for £500. R.A., 1851. Sold at Mr. Gillott's sale, 1872, for 2,500 guineas. Old Masters, 'Moving Timber.' (Ralph Brocklebank, Esq.)
'David and the Lion' (canvas, 54 by 84 inches), 1850. Finished for Mr. Gillott and sold by him to Mr. Holmes. Retouched 1859, and again 1873, for Mr. White, who sold it for £1,700.
'Ulysses and the Boar' -- Hunting the Boar on Mount Parnassus (panel, 14 by 21 inches), 1850. For Mr. Gillott. Retouched in 1859.
'Woodcutter' (14 by 20 inches), 1850.
'The Farm, Evening,' being a View at North End, Hampstead (panel, 10 by 16 inches), 1850. Brit. Inst., 1851.
'Morning' -- Sheep (canvas, 27 by 35 inches), 1851. R.A. Old Masters, 'Landscape with Sheep.' (S. Asheton Critch-ley, Esq.)
'Collins's Farm, North End, Hampstead' (panel, 6 by 10, inches), 1851. Old Masters. (Charles Neck, Esq.)
'Sand Cart' (panel, 26 by 36 inches), 1851. Retouched 1866. Old Masters. (Holbrook Gaskell, Esq.)
'Death of the Boar' (canvas, 34 by 58 inches), 1851. Brit. Inst., 1852. Retouched 1874.
'Boys Fishing' (canvas, kitcat), 1852. Sold to W. A. Joyce, Esq.
'Sheepfold, Evening' (canvas, kitcat), 1852. Sold to Mr. Todd (400 guineas). Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857.
Replica (half length, 40 by 50 inches), 1858.
Replica, Drawing.
'David mocking Abner,' I Sam. xxvi. (canvas, 40 by 50 inches), 1853. Sold to E. Gambart for 300 guineas.
'The Timber Waggon' (canvas, 34 by 56 inches), 1852. R.A. Painted for Mr. Oxenham, who had the Paris gold medal for it. Subsequently bought by the late Mr. David Price for 1,000 guineas. Retouched for Mr. Price in 1860. Old Masters. Sold at the Price Sale (Christie's, April, 1892), for 3,100 guineas.
Study for this Picture, finished 1855
'The Sear Leaf' (canvas, 28 by 36 inches), 1852-3. Sold to Mr. Oxenham, R.A., 1852. Retouched in 1859 and again later. Old Masters. (Wakefield Christy, Esq.)
'Barley Harvest, Evening' (canvas, 35 by 44 inches), 1852. Sold to Mr. Gambart for 300 guineas. R.A.; Paris Exhibi-tion, 1855. Sold in 1872 (Gillott sale) for 1,630 guineas. Old Masters. (Thomas Jessop, Esq.)
Replica (drawing). For Mr. D. White.
'Fishermen, Evening'(canvas, 25 by 29 inches), 1847. Painted for Mr. Gamhart. Retouched 1853. Old Masters, 'Land-scape, Evening.' (C. F. Ruth, Esq.)
'Travellers' (canvas, 28 by 36 inches), 1852. Finished for Mr. Gambart. Sold, in 1857, at Foster's, for 280 guineas. Old Masters, ' Inquiring the Way.' (Mrs. A. J. Brunton.)
'Redstone Wood' (canvas, 26 by 37 inches), 1852. For Gambart.
'The Wold of Kent' (canvas, 26 by 37 inches), 1852. Brit. Inst., 1853.
'Shallow Rivers '(panel, 13 by 18 inches), 852. Brit. Inst., 1853.
Replica (drawing), 2852. For L. Colls.
'View in Surrey' (canvas, 28 by 35 inches), 1852-3. Old Masters. (Chas. Butler, Esq.)
'A Forest Road' (canvas, 35 by 56 inches), 1853. R.A. ; in Paris Exhibition, 1855. Sold to Agnew, 1859, for £600.
'Under the Hawthorn' (canvas, 36 by 54 inches), 1853. For Gambart. R.A. International Exhibition, 1862. Sold at Christie's in 1887 for £1071. Old Masters. (James Taylor, Esq.)
'The Village Spring' (canvas, 28 by 36 inches), 1853. For Gambart. R.A.
'Sand-Pits' -- Hampstead (kitcat), 2853. Sold to Gambart. Old Masters, 'Hampstead Gravel-Pits.' (Charles Butler, Esq.)
'Harvest Home -- Sunset' (canvas, 35 by 57 inches), 1853. Brit. Inst., 1854. To Gambart.
Replica (varied) 'Load of Wheat' (kitcat).
'The Refuge' -- Storm (35 by 57 inches), 1853. Brit. Inst., 1854.
Replica (kitcat), 1853. Retouched, 1859.
Second Replica (kitcat), 1853. Retouched, 1859.
Replica (small drawing).
'On Summer Eve by haunted stream' (canvas, 27 by 35 inches), 1853. Old Masters. (W. Cuthbert Quilter, Esq.)
Replica (drawing).
'The Covenant with Abraham' (kitcat), 1853. Sold to Gambart.
Replica (varied, 35 by 47 inches). In possession of the family.
Sketch of this (small). In possession of the family.
'The Disobedient Prophet' (canvas, 102 by 80 inches), 1851-54. R.A., 1854; Paris Ex. Universal, 1855. Sold to Agnew, 1860. Old Masters. (Mrs. John Elder.)
Replica (drawing), Agnew.
'The Invitation' (Emmaus, kitcat), 1853. Retouched, 1863.
Replica, in possession of the family (27 by 35 inches), 1860.
'The Gleaners' (kitcat), 1854. For Gambart. Sold in 1857 at Foster's for 240 guineas.
Replica (small), to Wethered.
'Road through the Wood' -- Redstone Lane (canvas, 35 by 44 inches), 1854. For Gambart, 300 guineas. Sold April, 1890, at Christie's, for £1,202 10s.
'The Donkey' (canvas, kitcat), 1854. For Hooper and Wass.
'The Brook' (panel, 10 by 7 inches), 1854. Old Masters. (B. W. Leader, Esq.)
'Heath Scene, Sunset' -- Hampstead Heath (canvas, kitcat), 1854. For Hooper and Wass.
'Wheat Harvest' (canvas, 35 by 56 inches), 1854. For Gambart. Old Masters. (T. D. Pritchard, Esq.)
'Sunset' -- Harvest (kitcat), 1854. For Gambart.
'Sheep Reposing' (26 by 37 inches). 1854. For Hooper and Wass. Old Masters. (James Wilson, Esq.)
'Carrying' -- Wheat (canvas, 27 by 39 inches; 26 by 38 inches), 1854. Painted for Mr. Wethered.
Replica, with variations, 1854-55 (36 by 55 inches). For Mr. Hooper. Sold, April, 1890, at Christie's as 'The Harvest Field,' for £1,701.
Replica (small sketch). Sold to Mr. L. Huth.
'Harvest Moon' (26 by 39 inches), 1855 Painted for Mr. Wethered. Sold by Rought to Mr. Louis Huth for 400 guineas.
Replica (original sketch). Finished in 1858 for Mr. Wethered.
'Reaping' (canvas, 26 by 39 inches), 1855. Painted for Mr. Wethered. Afterwards bought by C. F. Huth, Esq.
Replica (small). First sketch, finished in 1858 for Wethered.
Replica (drawing), without the figure on the right hand, 1863 (10 by 14 inches).
'Harvest Field' (canvas, 37 by 56 inches), 1855 Painted for Mr. Hooper for 400 guineas.
'Timber Waggon'(small study of 'The Timber Waggon' of 1852, finished in 1855 17 by 24 inches). Sold to Wethered. Old Masters. (A. T. Hollingsworth, Esq.)
'Leith Hill from Redhill' (canvas, 18 by 24 inches), 1855. Sold to Mr. Wethered.
Replica (24 by 30 inches). Painted for Mr. Stokes.
The Woodcutters' (canvas, 21 by 28 inches), 1855. Old Masters. (J. A. Gardiner, Esq.)
'Hampstead Heath' (panel, 18 by 24 inches), 1855. Old Masters. (George Gurney, Esq.)
'The Harvest Cradle' (36 by 56 inches), 1855. For Hooper and Wass.
'The Dusty Road' -- Sheep passing a cart in the road, (canvas, 28 by 36 inches), 1855. Sold to Mr. L. Huth for £300. Sold, May, 1868, at Mr. Fallow's sale, for 1,000 guineas.
'The Stirrup Cup' (panel, 10 by 12 inches), 1855. For Wethered
'Gleaners' (panel, 14 by 18 inches), 1855 or 1856.
'Harvest Sunset' (canvas, 37 by 52 inches), 1856.. R.A. Painted for L. Huth, Esq. Sold by Mr. L. Huth to Mr. Vokins, and by the latter to Mr. Bigg. Sold at Mr. Bigg's sale, 1868, for 1,050 guineas. Old Masters. (Sir T. Fowell Buxton, Bart.)
Replica (first sketch), finished 1859 (19 by 28 inches).
'Storm in Harvest' (canvas, 37 by 53 inches), 1855-56. Finished for Mr. Hooper. Sold at Christie's (1860) for 630 guineas, and subsequently to Sir William G. Armstrong. Old Masters.
Replica (with variations, 49 by 72 inches), 873. Sold to Mr. White. Old Masters. Now in the possession of Samuel Montagu, Esq., M.P.
Replica. Sketch finished for Wethered (canvas, 18 by 24 inches).
'Sand-Pits ' -- Heath, Sandhill (canvas, 36 by 48 inches), 1856. Old Masters. (J. Broughton Dugdale, Esq.)
Replica. Original sketch for the above, finished 1856 for Mr. Colls (panel, 18 by 24 inches).
'Return from Market' (canvas, 37 by 55 inches), 1856. Retouched, 1857. Painted for Hooper and Wass.
'Timber Waggon' (canvas, 36 by 48 inches), 1856. For Hooper and Wass.
'Heath' (canvas, 18 by 24 inches), 1856. Painted for Mr. Smart. Class was tried at the Old Bailey in 1857 for fraud in selling a copy of this picture, with a forged signature, as the original.
'The White Cow' (canvas, 18 by 24 inches), 1856. Mr. L. Huth.
'Sunny Gleams' (canvas, 36 by 52 inches), 1856-57. Hooper and Wass. Old Masters, 'The White Cloud.' (John Graham, Esq.)
'Labour' (panel, 26 by 39 inches), 1857. Engraved in the Art Journal. Painted for Mr. Wethered for £300. Sold at Mr. Fallow's sale (1865) for 1,000 guineas.
'Rest' (panel, 26 by 39 inches), 1857. Engraved in Art Journal. Painted for Mr. Wethered for £300. Sold at Mr. Fallow's sale for 1,000 guineas. Old Masters. (C. F. H. Bolckow, Esq.)
'A Clear-up Shower' (canvas, 19 by 28 inches), 1857.
'The Rise of the River' (canvas, 37 by 52 inches), 1857.
'The Farm' (canvas, 17 by 26 inches), 1857.
Replica (36 by 56 inches), 1858.
'Shepherds' (canvas, 37 by 55 inches), 1855. Painted for L. Huth, Esq. R.A. International Exhibition, 1862.
'The Brow of the Hill' (canvas, 21 by 30 inches), 1858. Exhibited at the French Gallery, 1858. Engraved in the Art Journal in 1859, and called 'Sunshine.'
'Evening in the Cornfield' (canvas, 26 by 38 inches), 1858. Brit. Inst., 1859. Old Masters. (F. Pennington, Esq., M.P.)
'Clearing Up' (canvas, 19 by 31 inches), 1858.
'The Ford' (26 by 37 inches), 1858.
'Under the Beech' (canvas, 19 by 28 inches), 1858. Old Masters, 'The Old Oak.' (H. J. Turner, Esq.)
'The Farm' (canvas, 35 by 56 inches), 1858-59.
'Evening' -- Sheepfold (canvas, 40 by 50 inches), 1859. R.A. International Exhibition, 1862. Sold at Mr. Unwin's sale, Sheffield, 1866, for 1,300 guineas. Old Masters. (Mrs. Beau-mont.)
'The Paddock' (panel, 8 by 11 inches), 1859.
'Spring Wood Scene' (kitcat), 1859.
'My Garden ' -- Lady Reading, and Children with a Dog (canvas, 24 by 30 inches), 1859.
'Barley' -- Sunset (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1859.
'The Thunder Cloud' (canvas, 21 by 29 inches), 1859.
'Balaam' (canvas, 20 by 26 inches), 1859.
'Disobedient Prophet' (canvas, 20 by 26 inches), 1859.
'River Country' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1859.
'Cornfield Cradle' (panel, 27 by 39 inches), 1859. Not a replica of a former picture.
'The Keg,' companion to the above (canvas, 27 by 39 inches), 1859.
'The Green Lane' (canvas, 28 by 36 inches), 1860. Old Masters, 'The Tramps.' (David Jardine, Esq.)
'Harvest Dinner' (canvas, 39 by 54 inches), 1859. Inter-national Exhibition, 1862. Sold to Captain Fenton. Bought by Agnew, at Christie's in 1879. for £1,690.
'Sunset and River' (8 by 10 inches), 1860. (Huth.)
'Road by a River' (8 by 6 inches), 1860.
'Isaac and Rebecca' (panel, 10 by 15 inches), 1860.
'Shepherd' (kitcat, canvas, 26 by 36 inches), 1860. Old Masters. (Louis Huth, Esq.)
Replica drawing for Agnew.
'Barley' (panel, 18 by 24 inches), 1860. For Agnew.
'Setting Up' -- Wheat (canvas, 37 by 55 inches), 1860. R.A. Paris Exhibition, 1867.
Replica (28 by 39 inches), 1869. For R. Brooks. Sold at Christie's, 1871, for 890 guineas.
'Meadow' (canvas, 13 by 17 inches), 1860. Sketch by his daughter Elizabeth, finished and painted all over by J. L.
'The Mill' (canvas, kitcat), 1860.
'Dairy Farm' (panel, 28 by 39 inches), 1860.
'Leith Hill, Surrey' (panel, 13 by 18 inches), 1861. Old Masters. (J. A. Baumbach, Esq.)
'Woodcutter' (20 by 24 inches), 1861. (Agnew.)
'Barley Cart' (28 by 36 inches), 1861.
'Homeward Bound' -- Sunset (27 by 36 inches), 1861. Sold at Christie's, 1873, for 740 guineas.
'The Brook' (panel, 20 by 24 inches), 1861.
'The Brow of the Hill,' Sunset (22 by 27 inches), 1861. R.A. in 1866.
'Folding Sheep' -- Sunset (canvas, 20 by 30 inches), 1861. Re-touched in 1871.
'Paddock' -- Cow (panel, 8 by 10 inches), 1861. Old Masters, 'The White Cow.' (David Price, Esq.)
'Sheep' (8 by 10 inches), 1861.
'Travellers'(canvas, 14 by 18 inches), 1862.
'Gleaner' (pane], 8 by 10 inches), 1862.
'Carrying Wheat' (canvas, 39 by 54 inches), 1861-62. R.A. in 1862. Sold at Christie's in 1867 for 1,650 guineas. Damaged by fire in 1874, and repaired for E. F. White (lined and restored), August, 1874. Old Masters. (S. G. Holland, Esq.)
Replica (first study) finished 1862 (18 by 24 inches) for Agnew. Bought by Mr. Somes, of Roehanipton, 1866, for £500.
'Sheep' (canvas, 28 by 38 inches), 1862.
'Sheep' (canvas, 28 by 38 inches), 1862. A different subject from the last.
Replica (sketch), 1862. Sold at Christie's, 1873, for 125 guineas, to J. W. Adamson, Esq., for whom it was retouched in con-sequence of ill-usage.
'Reapers' -- Noon (canvas, 39 by 54 inches), 1862. Sold to Mr. Brooks under promise of exhibition, but not fulfilled; hence a duplicate, improved, was painted in 1865. Old Masters, 'Noonday Rest.' (Jas. Hall Renton, Esq.)
Replica -- 'Mid-day Rest' (38 by 54 inches), 1865. R.A. Re-touched, 1875. Replica of 'Noon.' Sold at Christie's, in 1883, for £1,585
Replica (kitcat, 28 by 39 inches), 1871.
Replica -- drawing (10 by 16 inches), 1867 In possession of the family.
'Sunset -- Cornfield' (canvas, 40 by 50 inches), 1862. Inter-national Exhibition. R.A., 1863. Sold to Mr. Agnew, and by him to Captain Fenton as companion to the 'Harvest Dinner.'
Replica, varied in the figures, etc. (28 by 39 inches), 1873-74.
Replica (drawing, 10 by 14 inches).
'Heath and Common' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1863.
Replica (small study, 10 by 12 inches).
'Sunset' -- Feeding Sheep (panel, 28 by 39 inches), 1863. R.A. Old Masters. (H. J. Turner, Esq.)
Replica study (9 by 12 inches).
Replica study (drawing in water-colour, 9 by 12 inches).
'Sheep in Lane' (canvas, 20 by 28 inches), 1863.
'The Milking Pail' (canvas, 20 by 30 inches), 1863. Sold at Christie's, 1892, for 405 guineas.
Replica (canvas, 35 by 55 inches), 1866-68. Sold at Christie's, 1874, for 1,105 guineas. Old Masters, 'Milking Time.' (J. W. Adamson, Esq.)
Replica (drawing).
'The Cloud' (panel, 18 by 24 inches), 1863. Sold to Agnew for £275.
Replica (39 by 54 inches), 1863. Sold to Agnew for £700.
Replica (drawing in water-colour, 10 by 12 inches).
'Cornfield' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1863.
Replica (drawing in water-colour).
'Windsor Forest' (drawing, 20 by 28 inches).
'Windsor Forest' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1863 (?).
Replica (drawing, 10 by 14 inches).
'Pastoral' -- Companion to Windsor Forest (28 by 39 inches), 1863. In 1866 in possession of Mr. Northcote, Forest Hill.
'Sheep' (drawing in water-colour, 10 by 14 inches). Sold to Mr. Colls for Mr. Birket Foster.
'Barley' (drawing in water-colour). Sold to Mr. Colls for Mr. Birket Foster.
'A Country Road' (panel, 28 by 39 inches), 1864. R.A. Sold to Agnew for £350.
Replica (drawing, 10 by 14 inches), 1863.
Drawing, as companion, 'Cows in a Road.'
'Haymakers' (28 by 39 inches), 1864. R.A. Old Masters, 'The Hayfield.' (C. P. Matthews, Esq.) Sold at the Matthews' sale, 1892.
Replica (drawing, 9 by 15 inches).
'Harvest Dinner'(panel, 10 by 15 inches), 1864. Old Masters. (The Linnell family.)
'Sunset' (28 by 39 inches), 1864.
Replica (first study) finished 1864 (panel, 14 by 18 inches). Sold to G. Simpson, Esq., Reigate, 1865, for £300.
'Traveller' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1864.
'Windsor Forest' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1864.
'Wales' (canvas, 39 by 54 inches), 1863. Sold to Agnew for £700. Retouched, 1870.
'Over some Wide Watered Shore' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1864.
'Sunset -- Gleaners' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1864. Sold at Christie's, 1874, for 810 guineas.
'Rainbow' (canvas, 20 by 30 inches), 1864.
'Contemplation' 28 by 39 inches), 1865.
'Thunderstorm and Sheep' (20 by 30 inches), 1865.
'Moorlands -- Sunset' -- Horses and Cows Watering (28 by 39 inches), 1865.
'Barley-cart' (panel, 19 by 24 inches), 1865. Sold at Christie's, 1879, for 500 guineas.
'The Woodlands' (panel, 28 by 39 inches), 1865. R.A., 1866. Sold at Christie's, 1874, for 800 guineas. Old Masters. (George Gurney, Esq.)
'Gee-Up' -- Sunset (28 by 39 inches), 1865.
'Southampton Water' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1865-66. Sold at Mr. A. Tooth's, 1865, for 600 guineas. Old Masters. (H. J. Turner, Esq.)
'The Bridge Tree' (panel, 18 by 21 inches), 1866.
'Harvest Showers' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1866. R.A., 1867. Sold at Christie's, 1873, for 1,000 guineas.
'Sheep' (28 by 39 inches), 1866. R.A., 1867. Old Masters. (Frederick A. Tidd, Esq.)
'Chalk' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1866. R.A., 1867.
'Sunset' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1866. Sent to R.A. 1867, but not hung. Retouched and sold to Mr. E. F. White, 1872, for £700.
'Surrey Woodlands' (canvas, 38 by 54 inches), 1867-68. R.A., 1868. Old Masters. (Mrs. W. Moir.)
'Woodland -- Timber Waggon' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1867-68.
'Tramps' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1867-68. Sky retouched in 1869 for Agnew.
'Wood' (28 by 39 inches), 1867-68.
'Thirsty Shepherd'(28 by 39 inches), 1867-68.
'Forest'(28 by 39 inches), 1867-68.
'Emigrants' (35 by 56 inches), 1867-68. From a study from nature made in 1817 at Keswick.
'Good Samaritan' (paper on panel, 13 by 16 inches),1867.
'Sheep' (panel, 7 by 10 inches), 1868.
'Hawthorn' (panel, 11 by 16 inches), 1868.
'The Woodcutters' (panel, 18 by 24 inches), 1868. Old Masters. (H. M. Steinthall, Esq.)
'Clearing Off' (canvas. 13 by 23 inches), 1868.
'The Thunder Cloud' (28 by 39 inches), 1868. Retouched in 1871.
'Travellers' (30 by 39 inches), 1868-72. Sold to Thos. Taylor, Esq., for £800.
Replica (sketch, 28 by 39 inches), ' The Cloud.' Finished in 1874 for Mr. White.
'Moving the Punt' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1868. Sold in 1872 to Mr. Thomas Taylor. Sold at Christie's, 1890, as 'The Fishermen,' for 700 guineas.
'Tree and Faggots' (7 by 10 inches), 1868.
'Mountain Track' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1868. Sold at Christie's, 1871, for 800 guineas.
'Woodcutters'(canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 2869. Christie's, 1871, 750 guineas.
'Mountain Shepherds' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1870. Christie's, 1871, 850 guineas. There are forged copies of this picture.
'The Lost Sheep' (canvas, 39 by 54 inches), 1869. R.A.
'Travellers'(canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1869. Agnew, £700.
'Redstone Wood' (18 by 24 inches), 1869.
'Dust' (kitcat, 28 by 39 inches), 1869. Sold to White for £700. Old Masters, 'Dusty Road.' (Jas. R. Hoare, Esq.)
'The Baptism of Christ' (canvas, 28 by 36 inches), 1867-69. Old Masters. (Charles L. Collard, Esq.) Sold at Christie's 1892.
'Sunset' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1869-70. Sold at Christie's, in 1890 for 870 guineas.
Replica (15 by 20 inches), 1869.
'Redstone Wood' (18 by 24 inches), 1870. A companion to the 'Redstone Wood,' 1869. Sold to Brooks for £300. Sold at Gillott's sale, 1872, for £600.
'Asses' Bridge' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1870. Sold to White for £700.
'Sleeping for Sorrow' -- Gethsemane (canvas, 38 by 54 inches), 1870. R.A.
Replica (sketch for picture, first).
'Shelter' -- Storm Cloud (28 by 39 inches), 1872. R.A. Sold to Mr. Worrall for £800.
'Woodcutters' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches). 1871.
'David and the Lion' (28 by 39 inches), 1871.
'Timber Waggon' (28 by 39 inches), 1871.
Replica (considerable variation, canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1872. Old Masters. (Charles Gassiot, Esq.)
'The Pull' (28 by 39 inches), 1871.
'Emigrants' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1872.
'The Ford -- Sunset' (canvas, 45 by 59 inches), 1871-72. R.A. Sold to Mr. White for 1,400 guineas.
Replica (varied, 28 by 39 inches), 1872. Sold to Mr. White for £700.
Replica (varied, 15 by 18 inches), 1875. Sold at the Neck Sale at Christie's.
'Wood Scene' -- Three studies (of different subjects) on the spot in 1852; finished into pictures 1872 (18 by 24 inches), for Mr. White.
'Up Rays' -- Gleaners (28 by 39 inches), 1872. Mr. White, £700.
'Down Rays' -- Cows (28 by 39 inches), 1872. Mr. White, £700.
Replica, with sheep and variations (28 by 39 inches), 1872.
'The Piper' (28 by 39 inches), 1872. Mr. White, £700.
Replica (smaller), variations; shepherd in smock-frock.
'Cornfield' (16 by 25 inches), begun 1850; finished 1873. Painted from a cornfield at Redstone Wood.
'Lambeth in 1806' (15 by 22 inches), 1873. In possession of the family.
'Cows' (28 by 39 inches), 1873.
'A Coming Storm' (canvas, 51 by 65 inches), 1873. R.A. Mr. White for £1,400.
Replica, 'Storm,' with variation (28 by 39 inches), 1873. Mr. White, £750.
'The Valley' (28 by 39 inches), 1873.
'A Bye-Road' (28 by 39 inches), 1873.
'The Happy Valley' (28 by 39 inches), 1873. For Mr. White, 750 guineas. Retouched in 1874. Sold at Christie's, in 1890, for £940.
'Good-bye' (28 by 39 inches), 1873. Mr. White, £750.
'The Woodcutters' (49 by 73 inches), 1873. R.A., 1874. Sold to Mr. Grove, by Mr. White, for £3,000. Old Masters. (Mrs. Grove.)
'The Haystack' (28 by 39 inches), 1873. Sold to Mr. Price for £2,000; at Christie's, 1892, for £630.
Sand-Pits' (28 by 39 inches), 1874.
'Cattle Pond' (28 by 39 inches), 1874.
'Morning -- Sunrise' (28 by 39 inches), 1874. Sold to Mr. White, as 'Misty Morning,' for £750. Sold at Christie's, in 1890, for 720 guineas.
'Cricket' (28 by 39 inches), 1874. Mr. White, £750.
'Crossing the Ford -- Sunset' (15 by 18 inches), 1875. Sold at the Neck sale.
'A Sultry Day' (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1874-75. Mr. White. Sold at Christie's, in 1890, for 700 guineas. Old Masters. (Chas. Neck, Esq.)
'Tramps,' or 'Pointing the Way' (canvas, 31 by 43 inches), 1874. Sold at Christie's, in 1890, for 1,140 guineas. Old Masters. (Chas. Neck, Esq.)
'Barley,' or 'The Barley Harvest' (31 by 43 inches), 1874. Sold at Christie's, in 1890, for 1,150 guineas.
'Asses' Bridge' (31 by 43 inches), 1874-75. Sold at Christie's, in 1890, for 900 guineas. A different subject from the 'Asses' Bridge,' 1870.
'Hay and Haste' (28 by 39 inches), 1874-75. In possession of the family.
Replica (31 by 43 inches), 1874-75. Mr. White.
'Last Load' (50 by 66 inches), 1874-75.
'Woods and Forests' (canvas, 41 by 57 inches), 1875. R.A. Sold at Christie's, 1890, for 2,900 guineas.
'Sunset, with Rooks' (panel, 15 by 17 inches), 1875.
'Cornfield -- Sunset' (panel, 15 by 18 inches), 1875. In posses-sion of the family.
'Windsor Forest' (panel, 11 by 19 inches), 1875.
'Wood' (31 by 43 inches), 1876. Mr. White.
'The Creek' (31 by 43 inches), 1876. Mr. White.
'Woodcutter' (panel, 17 by 20 inches), 1876. R.A., 1881. The last picture the artist exhibited. In the possession of the family.
'Rooks' (30 by 40 inches), 1877. In possession of the family.
'Crossing the Bridge' (canvas, 31 by 43 inches), 1877. Mr. White, £1,000. Sold at Christie's, in 1890, for 1,120 guineas. Old Masters. (Chas. Neck, Esq.)
'Autumn' -- Cows in Water (canvas, 28 by 39 inches), 1877. R.A. In the possession of the family.
'Red Sunset' (canvas, 31 by 43 inches), 1878. Unfinished. In the possession of the family.
'The Heath' (canvas, 31 by 43 inches), 1878. R.A.
'Sweet fa's the Eve' -- Sunset on Redhill Common (canvas, 31 by 43 inches), 1878. R.A., 1879. In the possession of the family.
Fat Pasture' (28 by 39 inches), 1878-79. R.A., 1879. This was the last picture of which J. L. made a sketch in his Liber Veritatis. In possession of the family.
'The Hollow Tree,' 1875-76. R.A., 1876. Sold by the family to Mr. McLean for £1,600.
'Near Windsor Forest' (panel, 18 by 23 inches). Signed, 'J. Linnell fecit.' Old Masters. (Jas. Reiss, Esq.)
'On Hampstead Heath'(canvas, 20 by 25 inches). Signed, 'J. Linnell.' Sold at the Santurce sale, 1891. Old Masters. (Marquis de Santurce.)
'View near Hampstead' (panel, 8 by 11 inches). Signed, J.Linnell f. Old Masters. (George Gurney, Esq.)

'Landscape, with a Haystack' (panel, 18 by 23 inches). Old Masters. (Jane, Countess of Caledon.)
'The Farmyard' (panel, 12 by 15 inches). Signed, 'J. Linnell.' Old Masters. (David Price, Esq.)
'Gathering in the Corn' (panel, 8 by 12 inches). Old Masters. (Louis Huth, Esq.)
'Shepherds' (panel, 6 by 8 inches). Old Masters. (Jas. Orrock, Esq.)
'Landscape' (panel, 7 by 11 inches). Old Masters. (Thos. Webster, Esq., R.A.)
'Sheep at Rest -- Minding the Flock' (panel, 6 by 9 inches). Sold at the Santurce sale, 1891. Old Masters. (Marquis de Santurce.)
Last modified 10 January 2025