
- Tobit’s Mill
- Old Edinburgh at Night
- Standing Stones of Stennis, Stenness, near Kirkwall, Orkney
- The Stones of Stennis
- Tennis Party, Kilmaron Castle, Fife
- The Highland Glen
Orientalist subjects

France, Italy, and Spain
- Interior of Seville Cathedral, Vespers
- The Mosque of Córdoba
- The Procession of the Corpus Christi, Toledo
- Faggot Gatherers, Grez-Sur-Loing
- La Paysanne à Grez
- The Rialto, Venice
Literary subjects

Gale, I. Arthur Melville. Edinburgh: Atelier books, 1996.
MacKay, Agnes Ethel. Arthur Melville, Scottish Impressionist, 1855–1904. London: F. Lewis Publishers, 1951.
McConkey, Kenneth. Paintings by Arthur Melville. Exhibition Catalogue. Edinburgh: Bourne Fine Art; London: The Fine Art Society, 2013.
Last modified 23 December 2017