William Henry Millais was born in Southampton, Hampshire in 1828, the son of John William Millais and his wife Mary Emily Evermy. He was the elder brother of John Everett Millais who was born a year later in 1829.... The two brothers were devoted to each other. William obviously did not have the benefit of the art education received by John at the Royal Academy Schools. He did, however, receive some training from his brother and even worked as John's assistant for a time in the 1850s.... William hadn't even seriously considered an artistic career until 1849, but fortunately he appears to have had great natural talent. — Dennis T. Lanigan

Biographical Material
Lutyens, Mary. Millais and the Ruskins. London: John Murray, 1967.
Millais, John Guile. The Life and Letters of John Everett Millais, President of the Royal Academy. Vol. I and Vol. II. and The Life and Letters of John Everett Millais, President of the Royal Academy. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1899. Internet Archive, from copies in Brigham Young University. Web. 12 November 2024.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The Formative Years I. 1835-1854. Edited by William E. Fredeman. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2002.
Staley, Allen. The Pre-Raphaelite Landscape. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973.
Created 12 November 2024