Sketches and cartoons

- The Coming of Guinevere
- Hawking
- Enid bringing food
- Sketch for the Dome of Peninsular and Oriental Pavilion
- Cartoon for The Sun
- Cartoon for The Moon
Stained glass designs
- Seated man
- Woman holding statuette of Mary
- Man in Renaissance Robes
- With Golden Mantle
- The Star of Hope (completed window in Holy Trinity, Northwood)
“The Decoration of the Peninsular and Oriental Pavilion at the Paris Exhibition.” The Studio. (1900): 149-56. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of Toronto Library. Web. 25 July 2013.
White, Gleeson. "Mr. Gerald Moira's Paintings and Bas-relief Decorations." The Studio. 12 (1898): 221-37. Internet Archive version of a copy in an unidentified Library. Web. 27 April 2013.

Last modified 26 November 2015