North's interpretation of nature was that of a poet. He did not sit down, like the average landscape painter, in picturesque scenery and arrange it improvingly; but living his life full of varied interests he waited until an entrancing moment in the passage of light or some human episode happily related to its surroundings awoke in his heart the ecstasy which is the poetic state. Then no sacrifice of time or labour was too great in the searching of nature to aid his revelation. — Herbert Alexander, p. 48

Biographical Material
Alexander, Herbert. "John William North, ARA, RWS." The Old Water-colour Society's Club, Fifth Annual Volume. London: 1928.
Esposito, Donato. Frederick Walker and the Idyllists. London: Lund Humphries, 2017, 93.
Hardie, Martin. Water-Colour Painting in Britain. III The Victorian Period. London: William Clowes and Sons Ltd., 1968.
Lemonedes, Heather. British Drawings: The Cleveland Museum of Art. London: D. Giles Ltd., 2013. 116-117.
Mallalieu H. L. The Dictionary of British Watercolour Artists up to 1920. Woodbridge: The Antique Collector's Club, 1976.
Marks, John George. Life and Letters of Frederick Walker, A.R.A. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1896.
Newall, Christopher. A Celebration of British and European Painting of the 19th and 20th Centuries. London: Peter Nahum, nd.
Quilter, Harry. "A Group of idyllists." A Catalogue of Pictures and Sketches by George Mason, A.R.A. and George Pinwell, A.R.W.S., exhibition at the Royal Society of Artists, Birmingham (March 1895).
Staley, Allen and Christopher Newall. Pre-Raphaelite Vision. Truth to Nature. London: Tate Publishing, 2004.
Wilcox, Scott and Christopher Newall. Victorian Landscape Watercolour. New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1992.
Created 22 May 2023