- Abbeyville
- Amiens
- Antwerp
- The Old Ducal Palace, Ferrara
- Evreux
- The Monument of Can Grande della Scala: at Verona
- La Halle, Bruges
- Strassburg: The Cathedral Spire
Drawings reproduced in steel engravings

Sketches by Samuel Prout, in France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, ed. Charles Holme. Text by Ernest G. Halton. London: The Studio, 1915. Internet Archive version of a copy of in Cornell University Library (NC 242.P96A15).
Rogers, Samuel. J. M. W. Turner. London: T. Cadell and E. Moxon, 1830. Internet Archive version of a copy in the Pauline Fore Moffitt Library, the University of California, Berkeley. Web. 13 February 2013 [Green and gold-embossed leather binding of this edition in a private collection.]
Ruskin, John. Notes on Prout and Hunt (1879-1880). Works. Library Edition. Eds. E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. London, 1903-12. XIV, 365-454.
13 February 2013