- Houses and Cathedral Spire, Ulm, 1835
- Cottage near Altdorf, 1835
- Ancient Maison, Lucerne, 1835
- The Cathedral Spire, Rouen, 1835
- The Ducal Palace, Venice, 1835
- Piazzetta and St. Mark's, Venice
- Fribourg. 1835
- The Grand Canal, Venice. c. 1835
- Swiss Cottage, 1837
- Fisher Street, Carlisle, 1837
- The Chapel of Roslin, 1838
- Roslin Chapel
- Merton College and Magpie Lane, Oxford, 1838
- Nice. 1840
- Bay of Naples. 1841
- Lodgings at Oxford (90 High Street) (c. 1840-41)
- The Glacier des Bois, 1843
- Santa Maria della Spina, Pisa; East End, 1846-47
- Trees in a lane, perhaps at Ambleside, 1847
- Byzantine Ruin, Rio di Cà Foscari, Venice, 1851
- Gothic Capitals. c.1851-52
- Captals, Convex Group, 1851
- Cornice Decoration, 1851
- Byzantine Captals, Convex Group, 1851-53
- Aigulle Structure. 1856
- St Wulfran, Abbeville, detail of carved figures on south porch, 1868
- Eton College Chapel
- Richmond
- Rialto Bridge, Venice, 1877
- Canareggio
, 1877 - Canal, Venice, 1877
- Two Oak Sprays, 1879
- Trees and Pond
- Panorama of the Alps
- Vignette to “A Tour of the Continent”
- Mont Blanc from St Martin's: studied for rock cleavage only
- Design For a Capital for the Oxford Museum
- The Aspen, under Idealization
- The Pass of Faido, 1845
- Portrait of a Girl's Head on a Pillow, 1875
- Study of Wild Rose, 1871
- Sketch of Leafage with a single wash
- Same Leaves, Farther Carried. The two upper groups only, leaving the highlights blank
- Completion of the Same Study
- The Twelve Heraldic Ordinaries
- A Weathered Dressed Stone in a Minimal Landscape
- Pulpit and Church Interior
- Fisher Street
- Il Palazzo del Cammello, Venice
Drawings for Modern Painters
- Aiguille Structure
- Monte Rosa, Sunset
- Hesperid Aeglé (Ruskin after Giorgione)
- True and False Griffins: Mediaeval and Classical
- Quivi Trovammo — The dragon from Turner's Garden of the Hesperides
- The Pass of Faido (1st Simple Topography)
- The Pass of Faido (2nd Turnerian Topography)
- Abstract Lines
Drawings for The Seven Lamps of Architecture
- Plate I. Tracery from the Campanile of Giotto, Florence
- Plate II. art of the Cathedral of St. Lô, Normandy
- Plate III. Traceries from Caen, Bayeux, Rouen, and Beauvais
- Plate IV. Intersectional Mouldings
- Plate V. Capital from the Lower Arcade of the Doge's Palace, Venice
- Plate VI. Arch from the Façade of the Church of San Michele, Lucca
- Plate VII. Pierced Ornaments from from Lisieux, Bayeux, Verona, and Padua
- Plate VIII. Window from the Ca' Foscari, Venice
- Plate IX. Tracery from the Campanile of Giotto, Florence
- Plate X. Traceries and Mouldings from Rouen and Salisbury
- Plate XI. Window in the Campo St. Benedetto, Venice
- Plate XII. Fragments from Abbeville, Lucca, Venice and Pisa
- Plate XIII. Portions of an Arcade on the South Side of the Cathedral of Ferrara
- Plate XIV. Sculptures from the Bas-reliefs of the North door of the Cathedral of Rouen
Drawings for The Stones of Venice
- Windows of the Fifth Order (I)
- Windows of the Fifth Order (II)
- Working Study of a Doorhead in the Campiello della Chiesa, San Luca, Venice
- Wall-Veil Ca’ Trevisan

Ruskin, John. Works, "The Library Edition." eds. E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. 39 vols. London: George Allen, 1903-1912.
Related Materials and Web Resources outside the Victorian Web
- Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, which has 84 works by or associated with Ruskin, has made images of them and information about them available online in their Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource at www.preraphaelites.org.

Last modified 1 April 2020