Study of a Kingfisher, with dominant Reference to Colour, by John Ruskin. Probably dating from October 1871 (see Coombes). Watercolour and bodycolour over graphite on wove paper. Collection: Ashmolean, accession no. WA.RS.RUD.201. Inscribed on verso: the Ruskin School's stamp. Presented by Ruskin to the Ruskin Drawing School (University of Oxford), 1875; transferred from the Ruskin Drawing School to the Ashmolean Museum, c.1949. Kindly provided by the museum for purposes of review. — Jacqueline Banerjee.
Links to Related Material
Coombes, Justin. "The Sight of Kingfishers." Published on the occasion of the exhibition at Modern Art, Oxford to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of honours accreditation for the Ruskin School of Art’s BFA course. Web. 18 October 2023. https://justincoombes.com/stand-alone-writing-by-jc/essays/the-sight-of-kingfishers/
Study of a Kingfisher, with dominant Reference to Colour. Ashmolean. Web. 14 March 2021.
Created 18 October 2023