Campanile and cloister, San Francesco, Pisa by John Ruskin. 1845. Pencil, black and brown ink, watercolour and bodycolour. In John Ruskin: Photographer & Draughtsman Stephen Wildman comments that in Praeterita “Ruskin recalled it as "exquisite in its arched perspective and central garden, and noble in its unbuttressed height of belfry tower." The odd perspective, unusual for Ruskin, is probably a result of hurry combined with an attempt to include in one image two sides of the cloister as well as the tower.” Collection: Ruskin Foundation, Ruskin Library, Lancaster University. ©Ruskin Foundation. [Click on image to enlarge it.]
Wildman, Stephen. John Ruskin: Photographer & Draughtsman. Compton, Surrey: Watts Gallery, 2014. p. 27.
Ruskin, John. Works, "The Library Edition." eds. E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. 39 vols. London: George Allen, 1903-1912.
Last modified 5 March 2014