Religious Subjects
Fairy Paintings
Literary Subjects
- Fair Rosamund in her Bower (after 1854)
- King Arthur Carried to the Land of Enchantment (1847)
- Fair Rosamond Alone in Her Bower (1864)
- Una and the Lion (1860)
- The Border Widow (1861)
Classical and Mythological Subjects
- The Poet in Arcadia (1860)
- Proserpine Gathering Flowers (1865-66)
- The Norns Watering Yggdrasill (The Norns Watering the Tree of Life) (1876)
Historical Subjects
- Chaucer, with his Friend and Patron, John of Gaunt, and the Two Sisters, Catherine and Philippa, their Wives, 1842.
- The Trial of Sir William Wallace in Westminster Hall (c. 1851)
- Albrecht Dürer in Nuremberg (1854)
- The Building of the New Castle, 1080 (1864)
- Iron and Coal (1861)
- The Romans cause a wall to be built (1857)
- King Edfrid and Bishop Trumwine persuade Cuthbert to . . . become Bishop of Hexham (Wallington Hall)

Land- and Seascapes
- Ailsa Craig (1860)
- Winter Ploughing (1885)
- The Little Water Carrier (1863)
- The Gloaming: Manse Garden in Berwickshire (1863)
- Port na Curachan, Iona (1887)
- Seascape on the Northumberland Coast (1863)
- The Incoming Tide on the Northumberland Coast (1861)
Last modified 8 February 2022