From the era of Hilliard and Van Dyck to that of Reynold and Gainsborough, the British nation has always been fascinated by the face of the individual, and by artists' attempts to capture a likeness on vellum, ivory, paper or canvas. — Lionel Lambourne, p. 65
Biographical materials

Dakers, Caroline. The Holland Park Circle: Artists and Victorian Society. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999.
Gallati, Barbara Dayer. Seeking Beauty: Paintings by James Jebusa Shannon New York: Debra Force Fine Art, 2014.
Lambourne, Lionel. Victorian Painting. London and New York: Phaidon, 1999.
Shannon, Kitty. For my children. London: Hutchinson. 1933.
Created 16 December 2021